To hook people through the check, leg, head and pull them to you!
you can grapple stuff and the hang on and shoot/grenade it. it works real well if you can get a gum grenade on a enemy VS. its cool try it out. i dont know if you can grapple humans but ill try it.
Yeah that's a good idea. :)
I believe there was a game a while ago where you could actually kill someone with the grappling hook if you hit them enough times. I think it was a James Bond game but I'm not sure.
The grappling hook is partially a weapon, if you hit someone fast enough and enough times, they`ll fall over. But otherwise, you couldn`t pull yourself or someone a distance through the air because you`re the same mass, and lack the leverage. But it would be cool if you could grapple them, and knock them down instantly. Also, I think you should be able to grapple in mid air, and pull on the legs of a mech to slow down/knock them over if enough people do it.
grappling hook is good for just that.....grappling. if it was a weapon every noob would use that and nothing else.
its not just for grappling! i use it to swing around the bridge in fast looping circles and snipe with my plasma gun =)
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
ypou can kill someone with the hook but you have to hit them like a million times
Do I sense a finishing move hee-yar?
I'm certainly going to try it!
ah yes, the grappling hook beat down pwn... the ultimate taunt
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I think the grapple is as fine, as it is. Grappinling to individuals seems a bit too much. I can imagine everyone using it as a sneak attack to get individuals.