i think both maps are a beautiful piece of graphical and layout design. the art concepts that went into them are exactly what i would love to do as a job. i dream about this kinda thing everyday. i cant wait to see the next batch of maps that the design team came up with. i love jumping into the map for the first time and just exploring it, thinking about all the work and art that went into it. im a geek :D
ps- i like your new sig pic saiyaniam. I think this should be a new contest for Capcom. One map pack with two maps. Two winners. I don't know if there would be a real prize or not because the idea is that Capcom would except map designs by the fans and try to recreate them as faithfully as possible and put it in Lost Planet. They could tweak them to work better, of course. I just think it'd be cool to get to design the map, decide on the layouts, and what Vital Suits (if any) appear on there.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
I think this should be a new contest for Capcom. One map pack with two maps. Two winners. I don't know if there would be a real prize or not because the idea is that Capcom would except map designs by the fans and try to recreate them as faithfully as possible and put it in Lost Planet. They could tweak them to work better, of course. I just think it'd be cool to get to design the map, decide on the layouts, and what Vital Suits (if any) appear on there. i think that'd be cool too, but the time it would take to go from fan concept, to finished map is far longer than i think capcom, or any game company, would be willing to spend being that the game is already released. but this would be a sweet idea for lost planet 2 :D i actually have an idea already....
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
i think that'd be cool too, but the time it would take to go from fan concept, to finished map is far longer than i think capcom, or any game company, would be willing to spend being that the game is already released. but this would be a sweet idea for lost planet 2 :D i actually have an idea already.... They did it with Kameo. Only, it was just character skins. The were free though. They took the fan designs and made them so you could download them and play with them in the game. I don't see anything being impossible for them to do this with Lost Planet. It'd be like them making Radar Field or Island 902. I won't bug them about it though.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
I love that there are a few layouts with no mechs on Radar, I actually haven't noticed it though, shows you how much i really use them no? anyways it has been a suggestion for quite some time with the other maps so it's pretty cool that they did one map without too many mechs and the option not to have any and one big *** map with 16? mechs and tons of ways to die.
I hear alot of people complaining about the suicide factor of island, mostly just alot of jokes with people who first get it, (walk carefully, ha, ha ha) but if you think about it there has to be a way to control movement on a map that big, otherwise you might spend a whole game just trying to kill one guy. Though it is big, you can play Island in post grab on some layouts in 2 minutes flat so I'd expect small 3-4 man teams to be able to do alot, I think the secret is just learning the nuances of the map/layouts and playing to their strengths. That said perhaps we need to start a thread in maps section with tips/tricks for maps and layout (what works best for post grab, team elim, or elim. )
guys, its being said in some games now that were gettin new maps in early april ? any truth to this ?