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Lost Planet

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Lost Planet
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 11, 2007 - 7:27PM #11
Posts: 29


Its kind of cool looking though. like slow motion.


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13 years ago  ::  Mar 12, 2007 - 9:06PM #12
Bi6 Dog J
Posts: 150
i mean, so many places to grapple from, but for some reason ... when i shoot back up, i never actually land back on the ground !! how ****ty
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 12, 2007 - 9:12PM #13
The La
Posts: 21
I don't really like Island 902, it's too big. I played a 20 minute match and got 2 kill. It's one of those maps that require you to get in a VS, but I almost never use VS's. I'm always on foot and I never pick up different wepons, I usually only use my spawn wepons. I really wish Lost planet had some vehicles that supported more then one person, or the ability to spawn in different spots on the map, like at team-controlled data post. So people like me could still have a great time on levels like Island 902.

The thing that disapoints me about the new maps is the lack of good graphics. It might just be me, but the other levels seem to look better.

I do like the Radar one though. Although it looks a little bland, it's a good level.
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 12, 2007 - 9:33PM #14
Posts: 2,360

The La wrote:

I don't really like Island 902, it's too big. I played a 20 minute match and got 2 kill. It's one of those maps that require you to get in a VS, but I almost never use VS's. I'm always on foot and I never pick up different wepons, I usually only use my spawn wepons. I really wish Lost planet had some vehicles that supported more then one person, or the ability to spawn in different spots on the map, like at team-controlled data post. So people like me could still have a great time on levels like Island 902.

The thing that disapoints me about the new maps is the lack of good graphics. It might just be me, but the other levels seem to look better.

I do like the Radar one though. Although it looks a little bland, it's a good level.

I don't know what you're talking about. Island 902 looks amazine. Other than that, I agree on most of what you said about it.

Radar Field, I also agree about. Looks kinda bland but it's a lot more fun because you don't need a mech. The spawns are a little rediculous though. I like getting in the Faze if it's there and stomping on people.

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

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13 years ago  ::  Mar 12, 2007 - 10:13PM #15
Posts: 287
The island has far too many holes in it,
It would be better if you could walk around under water more.

Other than that it's cool.
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 9:08AM #16
Posts: 4,873
i think both maps are a beautiful piece of graphical and layout design. the art concepts that went into them are exactly what i would love to do as a job. i dream about this kinda thing everyday. i cant wait to see the next batch of maps that the design team came up with. i love jumping into the map for the first time and just exploring it, thinking about all the work and art that went into it. im a geek :D

ps- i like your new sig pic saiyaniam.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 11:26AM #17
Posts: 52

The La wrote:

I don't really like Island 902, it's too big. I played a 20 minute match and got 2 kill. It's one of those maps that require you to get in a VS, but I almost never use VS's. I'm always on foot and I never pick up different wepons, I usually only use my spawn wepons. I really wish Lost planet had some vehicles that supported more then one person, or the ability to spawn in different spots on the map, like at team-controlled data post. So people like me could still have a great time on levels like Island 902.

The thing that disapoints me about the new maps is the lack of good graphics. It might just be me, but the other levels seem to look better.

I do like the Radar one though. Although it looks a little bland, it's a good level.

You dont like it because you are trying to play it like other maps. For me, the island is a snipers dream. I find a high spot but well hidden and sit back and wait. I got 7 head shots in a row yesterday.

As far as graphics, the island is one of the best.

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13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 11:42AM #18
Posts: 335
both the maps are now in my favorites list. I had an amazing come from behind victory on island 902 yesterday. even had a friend over to witness it:eek:
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 12:05PM #19
Bi6 Dog J
Posts: 150
honestly, if they added some bushes of some sort onto those hills and such ... wow ... you could hide up on the hills all day ! looks like everyone seems to have the same general idea ! Rockets on Radar Field is awesome BTW!

I just really really really want a green forest bushy map :D
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 13, 2007 - 12:38PM #20
Posts: 17
I LOVE Island 902! At first the self inflicted deaths were frustrating but once you learn the map it actually makes it fun since a bit more skill/planning is needed on this map compared to others. This is my favorite map in the game. I love how big it is too and the variety of mechs is really nice. And I agree, this is a sniper's dream map (more so than Lost Coast). I honestly don't see how they could have done better on this map.

Radar field is also fun. I am not a huge fan of close maps but I like it better than dilapidation.
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