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13 years ago  ::  Mar 09, 2007 - 9:39AM #1
Bi6 Dog J
Posts: 150
ok guys maps are out ! what do you all think ??

my first impression of Island 902 .... HOLY SH*T this is HUGE !!!! yah, rifle match ? need i say more ?? awesome level, couple real tricky places to get too if your not careful because youll just fall off that cliff and die !! bridges that break ? definately need the baller to ride around in and kill people! unless you wanna spend half the time running to where the enemy is @ ! not a ton of hiding spaces to sit in, very open level, though the water area can pose some problems for people if they arent watchin out:P hehe.
Good work, except i hate it when i miss with the mech shotgun, on some of those bridges,the guy im going for self inflicts because the bridge breaks ugh :( means i cant miss hehe ! overall really cool, love it, needs to be 8 on 8 and atleast 20-30 mins long minimum ! 7.5 of ten on this one.

As for Radar station, thats my new fave, love it ! very tight quarters, funny spawns,  good idea i think ! very tough post grab level im sure .... wouldnt wanna play it there unless im lookin to get shot a lot. some cool spots to hang out in, again hiding places are very limited, but has some cool lil nooks and crannys to duck down in :) overall im very happy with this one as well, 9 outa 10 on that one.

Further maps ? hopefully we get some new info on the next batch :D yes im already looking forward to new maps !! hehe, i was disapointed somewhat, i REALLY REALLY REALLY want a level with trees and bushes ! kinda like starwars return of the jedi, when the ewoks are fightin along side the rebels in that forest with the crawler things and such .... definately need something like that !!! that would be too cool ! anyways happy gaming for now !!id say worth the 5.00 on it !
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 09, 2007 - 10:41AM #2
Posts: 335
both the maps are pretty cool

island 902 looks amazing, but the problem with the spawns in elimination is even more apparant on it. THERE IS NO REASON FOR 2 OR MORE PEOPLE TO SPAWN TOGETHER ON SUCH A HUGE MAP.
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 09, 2007 - 11:04AM #3
Posts: 53

Bi6 Dog J wrote:

ok guys maps are out ! what do you all think ??

my first impression of Island 902 .... HOLY SH*T this is HUGE !!!! yah, rifle match ? need i say more ?? awesome level, couple real tricky places to get too if your not careful because youll just fall off that cliff and die !! bridges that break ? definately need the baller to ride around in and kill people! unless you wanna spend half the time running to where the enemy is @ ! not a ton of hiding spaces to sit in, very open level, though the water area can pose some problems for people if they arent watchin out:P hehe.
Good work, except i hate it when i miss with the mech shotgun, on some of those bridges,the guy im going for self inflicts because the bridge breaks ugh :( means i cant miss hehe ! overall really cool, love it, needs to be 8 on 8 and atleast 20-30 mins long minimum ! 7.5 of ten on this one.

As for Radar station, thats my new fave, love it ! very tight quarters, funny spawns,  good idea i think ! very tough post grab level im sure .... wouldnt wanna play it there unless im lookin to get shot a lot. some cool spots to hang out in, again hiding places are very limited, but has some cool lil nooks and crannys to duck down in :) overall im very happy with this one as well, 9 outa 10 on that one.

Further maps ? hopefully we get some new info on the next batch :D yes im already looking forward to new maps !! hehe, i was disapointed somewhat, i REALLY REALLY REALLY want a level with trees and bushes ! kinda like starwars return of the jedi, when the ewoks are fightin along side the rebels in that forest with the crawler things and such .... definately need something like that !!! that would be too cool ! anyways happy gaming for now !!id say worth the 5.00 on it !

Island 902 looks like will take a LONG LONG time to figure out all of the areas.

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13 years ago  ::  Mar 09, 2007 - 11:08PM #4
Posts: 2,360
Island 902

[*]Plenty of Vital Suits scattered about
[*]Lots of turrets even underwater
[*]Lots of interesting areas
[*]The Submarine
[*]A little too big
[*]Too many accidental deaths
[*]Requires a lot of people to have any fun with

Rating: 7.5/10


[*]Interesting choice for spawn points
[*]Good for close quarter fighting
[*]Several places to hide
[*]Some layouts have no mechs at all
[*]Level looks a little bland

Rating: 8/10

I definantly welcome the new maps, but they both seem to need a lot more time to get used to than the initial maps (especially Island 902). It's worth the $2.50 per map. Didn't have a difficult time finding games. A lot more than Battleground. I'm sure they'll grow on me. Right now, I don't seem to perform very well on them.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 10, 2007 - 8:27AM #5
Posts: 123
After playing a few matches on both, I think the maps are best suited for skilled players.

Island 902 has a lot of cool touches, and is probably my favorite map artistically. But if I were new to the game and Island 902 was my first map, I'd be frustrated. There are so many chances to kill yourself. That said, there's plenty of fun to be had, and making it so full of water sets it apart from the other big maps.

Radar Field really puts your grenade skills to the test. With the pipes, wreckage, walls, ledges, and corridors a good grenade toss is your best friend. I found a lot of combat taking place even when not directly in the line of sight.

Also- post in this thread so we know who has the maps.
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 10, 2007 - 2:40PM #6
Posts: 2,360
I've got them. Seems like it's easier to get matches on them already than it is for Battleground.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 10, 2007 - 8:20PM #7
xx DJ One xx
Posts: 1

Lucent85 wrote:

Island 902

[*]Plenty of Vital Suits scattered about
[*]Lots of turrets even underwater
[*]Lots of interesting areas
[*]The Submarine
[*]A little too big
[*]Too many accidental deaths
[*]Requires a lot of people to have any fun with

Huh, I respectively disagree with the need for a lot of players on "island" My third round on that map was simply four players in two teams- and we had a blast. It may have helped to all have been using mics and that they were just really fun strangers (and now friends)

It was, without question, the most entertaining time I remember having on xbox in years.

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13 years ago  ::  Mar 11, 2007 - 9:16AM #8
Posts: 52
I have to admit, the new maps are pretty cool. I like to get in the rocket launchers on the island and blow the other side to hell. :D
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 11, 2007 - 1:06PM #9
Posts: 326
Island 902 seems to push the Lost Planet engine quite a bit. There's been some amount of slowdown, especially as the bridges are collapsing. Not a complaint, just noticing how awesome that is.
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13 years ago  ::  Mar 11, 2007 - 4:05PM #10
Posts: 52

hulot wrote:

Island 902 seems to push the Lost Planet engine quite a bit. There's been some amount of slowdown, especially as the bridges are collapsing. Not a complaint, just noticing how awesome that is.

Its kind of cool looking though. like slow motion.

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