Ive done it a few times, but that was when it was released andI didn't know.
Support NEVEC in MVC3!Click Here![Currently Playing: BFBC2, LP2, MHTri] The Rebellion Army owns you now... My MegaMan preference for MVC3 would had been Starforce, but yeah sure, I'll jump on this bandwagon, if X does indeed get in as DLC, there better be gamers playing as him or else this would had been a waste of time and missed opportunity for another Capcom Character...
I have tunnel vision when I see a post. Even though I should know that a post is not located in that area, I am still sitting there trying to activate that player in the Data Post costume.
Blastaar: I could not stop laughing at 1:05-1:07. The Data Post player tries to help you with the post, but he could not make it up the hill. He finally makes it.
Am I the only one who has tried to "activate" someone in a data post costume?
Oh yeah i've done that once. It was at the begining of a match. I have tunnel vision when it comes to posts as well. After I activated it, he transformed and we both paused before activating the real post which was in plain sight the whole time. The wily japanese.
i see what you mean. yep i can't see it. maybe you have to do something to it or something. how do you record games on a console anyways?
A capture card is what most people use. Depending on your computer you can choose one of the 4 I know of. High end computers I recommend black magic. Low end computers i recommend roxio game capture.
Looks like it's too late for me now anyway I keep running into problems when I embed a video. Here's my channel anyway YouTube: DrSnipe83 im still playing multiplayer and I am encouraging faction matches to return. At least the weather changes looked cool! Thank you Deaco for waving your magic wand.