LOL laggy game post doesnt go up,2 people getting kicked in the begining,how did your life go up with a injection gun in a online game is that possible ??? And a few time people was hitting u directly with the plasma but ur life didnt go down
LOL @ SouldCrusherDK - were you drunk writing this ? Or somebody have stolen your account and its not you who wrote it ? 50 % matches on LP2 X360 are laggy, but this one wasn`t bad at all. You can`t open data post, or pick up weapon when host quit, or get disconnected and game automatically changes host on other player. Thats exactly waht happened here. In such situations some players also got disconneted. That`s why probably 2 players "left battlefield" in 1 minute of this video. You should know it playing LP so long... You can use Injection Gun II to refill your lifebar since day 1. Please don`t tell us you didn`t know... And there were exactly 3 plasma rifle shots directed in this clips hero , 1 when he was behind data post, so didn`t hurt him, rest 2 did take away 30 % of his life each. The only little laggy moment is at 8:30, with GAMMA 08. Nothing unusall at LP2, especially with players using LP2 flag, who`s connection usually sucks.
No way i never seen any lagg on any three LP and i never used a injection gun in a online game so wasnt sure
Thank you HiPOL for replying. There was another shot that looked like it hit me but it actually hit the player I hid behind because he just spawned. And as for the players dropping what does it matter? If it was a 3 on 3 you would have a point but it was a full room and we lost 2 players they lost 1.
You just like being a wet blanket that's a majority of your post whenever you reply.
We normally play Monster Hunter but a bunch of folks told us to play Lost Planet 2 (because of the original demo). We've been working our way through the game though some of our tactics are pretty cringe worthy. I thought i'd post a link to the playlist here for you all to make fun of (no really, have fun with us!). www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-3eyvyFj6g&list...We have been thinking about maybe having a tournament of sorts in the pvp arena. We'll lose terribly but I think it would be fun. Has anyone organized a tournament?
We normally play Monster Hunter but a bunch of folks told us to play Lost Planet 2 (because of the original demo). We've been working our way through the game though some of our tactics are pretty cringe worthy. I thought i'd post a link to the playlist here for you all to make fun of (no really, have fun with us!).
We have been thinking about maybe having a tournament of sorts in the pvp arena. We'll lose terribly but I think it would be fun. Has anyone organized a tournament?
Some fans have tried to do a friend little get together before, but sadly the fan base took a hit after various problems.
But Hell if we can get some people in on it I'll be up for a few rounds of the old LP2 I am a bit rusty but I am sure I can remember how to fire a Machine Gun
I`m in. But you guys play PS3 right ? I play XBOX & PC.
If only I had gold membership I would play LP2 for a little bit.
I think we'd meet up in PS3 LP2 since it would probably make life easier for some. I have it on the 360 and PS3 though.