i understand that there may not be any codes left or theyre may be something wrong with redeeming your ps3 code you guys at l2p are being a lil lazy by not giving us an update with wth is going on with these codes as you did with the xbox 360 codes i also love how 90% of the ppl who obtained a code never even played the first game nor liked it? with my rant out of the way you guys here at the communtity site could at least provide a update,saying either our website is getting hit with alot of traffic keep trying to get your ps3 codes or they are out
Elija, the code will generate from the sight and be sent in an email. but be warned your probably going to recieve a used code.
"Just sittin here in a bean bag chair, naked, eating Cheetos." ~Ron White AKA Tater Salad
Xbox GT: Creatur0fHabit
Can't any of you read? The dang code won't work until 4pm Pst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Never mind it's useless,instead of reading this you're wondering why the damn code won't work. (I wish/hope this thread gets closed)
 Your FACE!...god damnit! C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.) 3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me. Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211 What you're doing is 120% criminal. Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt. You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)
Im starting to think that this was just a bad April fools joke :(. I still cant get the code to work
If this is some sort of stupid april fools joke a boycot will follow cause thats ****ed up to do to a avid lp fan
Can't any of you read?
The dang code won't work until 4pm Pst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...Never mind it's useless,instead of reading this you're wondering why the damn code won't work.
(I wish/hope this thread gets closed)
but yet it seemes you failed to read yes the code wont work for a while but its not working to get the code so you tell me where i need to read how to fix this mr high and mighty
in the end, sniper always wins...
nice cant wait to play it!
so my problem...or should i say question...is anyone able to confirm if allthe codes are gone forps3...and if so...are there plans to releasemore,i cant seemto even get a code.
Just recieved my code from the capcom-europe website! Downloading now, and i was thinking i wouldn't be able to play. Happy days 
MHFU: Agito HR9 PSN: imfreeman
Feel free to add me ad hoc party users :)
I can't get a code. Will it be e-mailed to me?