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Locked: Get Early Access to the Lost Planet 2 Demo NOW!
10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 10:54AM #491
Posts: 1

So I have a question.  I selected my console and clicked "Redeem Code" and then get taken back to the home page.  I checked my email, but do not have a code.  Anybody know how long it takes for the code to get sent out?

10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:01AM #492
Posts: 16

in the same boat as ronnie and jordan.. wierd

10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:01AM #493
Posts: 1

Apr 1, 2010 -- 10:54AM, Jordan wrote:

So I have a question.  I selected my console and clicked "Redeem Code" and then get taken back to the home page.  I checked my email, but do not have a code.  Anybody know how long it takes for the code to get sent out?

I have the same problem, I can't obtain the code.

10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:07AM #494
Posts: 33

Apr 1, 2010 -- 10:54AM, Jordan wrote:

So I have a question.  I selected my console and clicked "Redeem Code" and then get taken back to the home page.  I checked my email, but do not have a code.  Anybody know how long it takes for the code to get sent out?

By what people are saying capcom are out of codes for now, there were some available via twitter and facebook but they would have been snapped up by now.

MHFU: Agito HR9
PSN: imfreeman

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10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:08AM #495
Posts: 6

LOL man some eager lp2 killers out there. supposed 2 work somtime today simmer down people. Dont get pissed when its a free promo for us. We will all get 2 shoot each other real soon. 

10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:10AM #496
Posts: 10

you guys just suck so hardcore. I pre-ordered the game on Amazon just to get the code. Il now have two copies of the game. does that make me an idiot or big enough fan? ****es lol

10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:11AM #497
Posts: 1

I wanted a XBox 360 code but there were nomore so i got a PS3 still waiting for my code in my email but i wanna trade.. someone let me know if you want to trade.

10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:16AM #498
Posts: 153

Apr 1, 2010 -- 10:05AM, spazski wrote:

Seriously people, reading would have solved most of the complaining in this thread before it even started.

For the record, the US PSN store doesn't update till about 6-7pm Central Time.

 That's why your PSN codes haven't worked yet. The codes will not be valid until the store updates. 


To get demo’s early it’s a good idea to have a Japanese account. You can get the demos quite a bit sooner. But as of now it doesn’t work on the Japanese account either. Got the Co-Op and some other demos before they were available in US off my Japanese account. DL on Japanese account then switch to American/whatever and play on it. It will not only work but be in English. I am not sure if this will work with a (redeem code) situation but it does under normal demo release circumstances.  May not work today but will be helpful in the future. GL on getting the demo guys and if your on PSN look for me =)..

10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:16AM #499
Posts: 2

I mentioned this on facebook. The way they handled this whole code things i bs. It was all based on who knew and who got there first. It wasn't based on being a fan or not. There ARE people who hated the first game who got a code. There ARE people who never played the game before who got the code including the demo back in 09. And if any of the two hate it, they will throw the game off its a code gone to waste. And Here I am a fan of the series left out. Yes its my fault for not knowing but its still irritatiing.

10 years ago  ::  Apr 01, 2010 - 11:19AM #500
Posts: 1

Apr 1, 2010 -- 11:11AM, Static wrote:

I wanted a XBox 360 code but there were nomore so i got a PS3 still waiting for my code in my email but i wanna trade.. someone let me know if you want to trade.

I have a XBOX code wanna trade ?

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