I wanted a XBox 360 code but there were nomore so i got a PS3 code..im still waiting for my code in my email but i wanna trade.. someone let me know if you want to trade.
When I got my code I hit Xbox also by mistake. So I got one for Xbox and one for PS3, they were the exact same code. Might be worth a try.
PSN: H-U-S-H EMail: h-u-s-h@live.com
I accidently got an XBOX code
God I can't believeso many people just joined CAPCOM for a stupid code. I joined CAPCOM for their awesome games and then these hordes of people join for a sill code and then yell at them.Really people!?CAPCOM didn't create this mess.The people trying to get the code did.I think those code users who are mad need to shut-up and get over it.It's a freaking beta!How about they move it to December 2010!They are working so hard for us and then this is the respect you give them.You people shouldn't have even gotten a code!
Not everyone who joined for a code is being rude or disrespectful, a lot of them are just voicing their concerns.
you guys just suck so hardcore. I pre-ordered the game on Amazon just to get the code. Il now have two copies of the game. does that make me an idiot or big enough fan? ****es lol
Lol, if you need somewhere to dump the extra copy, just let me know! ;P
Does the code get sent to your e-mail? because i clicked the "redeem code" button after selecting the Playstation 3 tab and it just went to the Lost Planet 2 community home screen
I'm trying to get a Lost Planet 2 beta code and i'm not receiving a code. Does the code come in my email or my inbox on CAPCOM-UNITY ?
Oh nevermind, i guess the codes are only active until April 1st, so I'm guessing that since it is April 1st, the codes wont work anymore... Is this correct?
I got a code from Capcom yesterday and I redemed it on my Xbox only to find it's already been redemed! All the garbage I went through to get one and it doesin't work...I contacted Capcom and Xbox with no solutions. Anyone have any ideas?
"Just sittin here in a bean bag chair, naked, eating Cheetos." ~Ron White AKA Tater Salad
Xbox GT: Creatur0fHabit
Im starting to think that this was just a bad April fools joke :(. I still cant get the code to work