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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Feb 15, 2010 - 2:47PM #691
Posts: 3

I haven't read this very much, but I have a question: Is Wesker in every game, regardless of when you get it? Because I recently preordered it, and I did not see anything about Wesker there. I did before, but now it's gone. Anybody know what is going on?!?

10 years ago  ::  Feb 15, 2010 - 3:09PM #692
Posts: 620

Feb 15, 2010 -- 2:47PM, Chad wrote:

I haven't read this very much, but I have a question: Is Wesker in every game, regardless of when you get it? Because I recently preordered it, and I did not see anything about Wesker there. I did before, but now it's gone. Anybody know what is going on?!?

Rumor has it that if you preordered from Gamestop, you will still get Wesker.

PSN: callmeJackz
Steam: callmeJackz
10 years ago  ::  Feb 15, 2010 - 10:45PM #693
Posts: 85

This isnt really a question but while playing the ps3 demo on the last part. i was pooed out into the water. but when i did i got fustrated and started button mashin the x button and to my suprise i started to swim. and survieved. also i found out in the demo you could do taunts with the L1 L2 and R1 R2. i knew i could do the taunts in the real game but i didnt know in the back on the swiming is that old news or new?  

i just button mashed x and my guy kept on was pretty neat if you ask me.

JOHN 1091 is xbox account
jtdr2 is psn accunt.
1759 8541 7249 0373 is wii number.
Add me, but let me know your from the capcom site. is my old account. (i failed and forgot the password and username)
10 years ago  ::  Feb 15, 2010 - 11:40PM #694
Posts: 957

Feb 15, 2010 -- 10:45PM, John wrote:

This isnt really a question but while playing the ps3 demo on the last part. i was pooed out into the water. but when i did i got fustrated and started button mashin the x button and to my suprise i started to swim. and survieved. also i found out in the demo you could do taunts with the L1 L2 and R1 R2. i knew i could do the taunts in the real game but i didnt know in the back on the swiming is that old news or new?  

i just button mashed x and my guy kept on was pretty neat if you ask me.

first day of the demo old

10 years ago  ::  Feb 16, 2010 - 5:00AM #695
Posts: 1,483

 Yeah, quite a while ago people found the swimming and enjoyed it, and also mentioned some of the difficulties.

 It has issues with walls and turning, so if you are against a wall it's almost easier to not try to swim.  Still, that was demo and it's likely that the full game will have a movement that is more easily controlled.

 So you won't automatically die if you hit deep water.

10 years ago  ::  Feb 16, 2010 - 6:20PM #696
Posts: 3

Another question: When will I get the codes? Will it come with the game if I ordered it online? Will it come as an email? Anybody know?

10 years ago  ::  Feb 16, 2010 - 9:34PM #697
Posts: 620

Feb 16, 2010 -- 6:20PM, Chad wrote:

Another question: When will I get the codes? Will it come with the game if I ordered it online? Will it come as an email? Anybody know?

if you preordered from gamestop in store you will get a card when you pick the game up. if you preordered online, you will get a email

PSN: callmeJackz
Steam: callmeJackz
10 years ago  ::  Feb 16, 2010 - 11:09PM #698
Posts: 451

Watch the beginning of the video.

My question is how does the 2nd guy do the gunsword slash right away? Is this some kind of technique? Maybe or maybe not in the demo, but it's interesting. Like maybe an upgrade for the gunsword? I don't know.


10 years ago  ::  Feb 17, 2010 - 2:07AM #699
Posts: 1,483

 I think there are 2 different swings of the sword as is.  I don't know particularly how to trigger differences, but I have noticed that sometimes I can swing differently.

 Might be a matter of how hard the button is pressed, or closeness to a target.

10 years ago  ::  Feb 17, 2010 - 3:12AM #700
Posts: 2,988

Will there be a replay option like halo 3 or uncharted 2? Lost planet easily has the best looking action so i really want to make some epic videos for youtube.

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