Lost Planet one was a great game but I felt like the to crouch to take cover was a little annoying especially in multiplayer. Will there be a crouch lock option in Lost Planet 2 so you could take cover by one click of the left stick and one click to stand rather than holding the stick down. The game looks awsome and am definitly looking foward to it.
A crouch lock option would definitely be appreciated. And to add onto that, a 100% customizable control scheme to go with the whole "customization" theme. I love Lost Planet, but I hate switching between the typical shooter controls and the way out-there LP controls. LP2 is shaping up really well. It seems like they turned Lost Planet into an Epic. And that's good, because you don't need any specific storyline to have a story in the universe. For example take the Epic "Star Wars." People can keep adding dozens and dozens of stories to that. But what makes this even sweeter? Because if Capcom isn't lazy they can give us bonus campaign missions post-launch!
A crouch lock option would definitely be appreciated. And to add onto that, a 100% customizable control scheme to go with the whole "customization" theme. I love Lost Planet, but I hate switching between the typical shooter controls and the way out-there LP controls.
Agreed. Every time someone in the games press talks about Lost planet, the only thing they don't seem to like about the game is the controls. The developers need to wake up to this fact and either create additional control options that make the game handle more like other well established control systems out there or, like you said, let people fully customise the controls. Ps. If toggle crouch option isn't available this time, i may sue for repetitive strain injury. 
I think snow already answered questions about the controls and that they would be more customizable this time. However a toggle click to crouch and click to stand back up is a smart idea and i agree should be added :)
I'm not sure if nevec is the one using the Akrid VS's. At one point in the trailer you catch a glimpse of the Akrid-armored pirate(that is in that huge poster with all the guns/characters) climbing into the seat of one. So the Akrid-VS's could be a whole separate faction perhaps.
GT: Gonzogamer X
I'm not sure if nevec is the one using the Akrid VS's. At one point in the trailer you catch a glimpse of the Akrid-armored pirate(that is in that huge poster with all the guns/characters) climbing into the seat of one. So the Akrid-VS's could be a whole separate faction perhaps.
Most likely a tribal group, kinda like the Pirates at the biggening of the Drunken Treasure Trailer. Reminds me a lot of "Avatar" With people riding wildlife to attack and watnot.
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
At the end of Lost Planet there was a good ending movie that showed some of what happened to our favorite LP 1 characters. Then that was it. LP 2 is going to invite us to play additional times with our customized characters, but will there be extra movies to achieve? Are there additional challenges that might have not been as accessible the first time through, so that we have the additional challenges to keep us hunting for more? Another thing I just thought of. The T-eng treasure chests that are scattered around, that we learned about in the latest batch of movies, will they have slightly randomized prizes? More importantly, will they be different on additional playthroughs so that we don't know exactly which crates we want to open for particular weapons?
The photo Deaco put up or the second one looks like monster hunter armor, with akrid motif.
Yes, but what I mean to say is that NE\/EC is the one bringing in all these akrid from space and manipulating them for their own good. They guys in Episode 5 say they are going to attack NE\/EC, and you see them in control of the huge spider. Who's to say that NE\/EC can't be the ones wearing the akrid skin for armor? Without any words spoken you would think the guys attacking NE\/EC are NE\/EC themselves because they have on the uniforms of what you "think" they look like. But in reality, they are the farthest thing from.
Yes, but what I mean to say is that NE\/EC is the one bringing in all these akrid from space and manipulating them for their own good. They guys in Episode 5 say they are going to attack NE\/EC, and you see them in control of the huge spider. Who's to say that NE\/EC can't be the ones wearing the akrid skin for armor?
Without any words spoken you would think the guys attacking NE\/EC are NE\/EC themselves because they have on the uniforms of what you "think" they look like. But in reality, they are the farthest thing from.
With that said, it could then mean that the Rebellious "NEVEC" soldiers are actually the same people that are dressed in Akrid uniforms, and were never part of NeVeC in this first place.
Okay that's most likely not it. But, just so I don't cause this thread to go too far from the topic of Asking Snow questions, I think it's best to make a new thread for this... Another thing to consider is that was a 5 minute trailer for a good 2 hour+ episode, there is a TON of stuff still missing, that could fill in the gap.
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest