Snow, please tell us there's alot more to each episode than just what we saw. Because we've seen all the episodes of the game now (which is a little dissapointing, I didn't want to know what goes on in Episode 6 until I played it). So please say there's a lot more bosses and scenes than what you've showed us!
Snow, please tell us there's alot more to each episode than just what we saw. Because we've seen all the episodes of the game now (which is a little dissapointing, I didn't want to know what goes on in Episode 6 until I played it). So please say there's a lot more bosses and scenes than what you've showed us!
Well for one thing, I have a strong feeling that they changed up the Gordiant(A.K.A. Sir Om Nom Nom)
Plus Snow has been keeping a lot of Spoilers and he has to keep on a certain schedule of when he can release certain info(reason why he hasn't told much on Multiplayer) So I'd doubt that they've shown too much of the main story. Although Episode 5 was a bit of a stretch, with it giving hints of the fact that we will be piloting or fighting against VS Akrid, FLying Rockets into space, fighting an underwater dragon, Run away from Helicopters shooting at you with gatling ammo, See a glimpse of the Over G(I'm guessing that it's the giant spider we see when the Hardballer lauches off the pad and flies off towards it. and the one in Episode 4 that gets on one of the giant derrick things. (Seems like it's going to be appearing in a lot of Episodes) Plus they haven't filled in the gaps in between the different chapters of the game. They also only showed that you go to NEOS in the Preview for Episode 6, so it's good to know that we will be doing an ENTIRE episode at a Space station(going to be amazing) Sorry, that's a lot of text >_> All-in-all there is probably a ton more stuff taking place in the campaign, and if it wasn't originally, they should be doing it right now. Otherwise cross your fingers for campaign DLC. 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Snow, please tell us there's alot more to each episode than just what we saw. Because we've seen all the episodes of the game now (which is a little dissapointing, I didn't want to know what goes on in Episode 6 until I played it). So please say there's a lot more bosses and scenes than what you've showed us!
Although Episode 5 was a bit of a stretch, with it giving hints of the fact that we will be piloting or fighting against VS Akrid, FLying Rockets into space, fighting an underwater dragon, Run away from Helicopters shooting at you with gatling ammo, See a glimpse of the Over G(I'm guessing that it's the giant spider we see when the Hardballer lauches off the pad and flies off towards it. and the one in Episode 4 that gets on one of the giant derrick things. (Seems like it's going to be appearing in a lot of Episodes) Plus they haven't filled in the gaps in between the different chapters of the game.
They also only showed that you go to NEOS in the Preview for Episode 6, so it's good to know that we will be doing an ENTIRE episode at a Space station(going to be amazing)
Sorry, that's a lot of text >_>
All-in-all there is probably a ton more stuff taking place in the campaign, and if it wasn't originally, they should be doing it right now. Otherwise cross your fingers for campaign DLC.
Well, Personally I dont think that the last chapter is going to take place in space. Their might be a possibility of it, but I think they only need to go into space to take the satellite cannon, And then maybe somehow you use it while your on the ground in chapter 6. You never know, I mean isnt chapter 6 suppose to sum up all the story of all the factions of Pirates you have been playing? I dont know, we will see. I think that the last chapter might take place on the snowy part of EDN III. I remember that in the end of the TGS 2009 Trailer there was a big map of the planet at the end of the trailer that showed where all the chapters are going to take place, And the only marker thing that was left was the snowy part of the map. And then i notice in the new 2010 trailer that near the end of it where they show the huge pocket of Thermal Energy, that there is Snow around all of the thermal energy. If you watch the Lost Planet 2 Treasure Borrachos Trailer and pause it at 4:06 you will see what I mean. I also dont think that the "Over G" akrid is the big spider looking one that we see in Episode 5. Snow said that we will need ALOT of bullets to take the Over G down, that spider honestly doesnt look like its that tough. When I hear the word Over G it makes me wonder just how big and tough this boss is going to be. Not sure If I made any sense lol
Snow, please tell us there's alot more to each episode than just what we saw. Because we've seen all the episodes of the game now (which is a little dissapointing, I didn't want to know what goes on in Episode 6 until I played it). So please say there's a lot more bosses and scenes than what you've showed us!
Although Episode 5 was a bit of a stretch, with it giving hints of the fact that we will be piloting or fighting against VS Akrid, FLying Rockets into space, fighting an underwater dragon, Run away from Helicopters shooting at you with gatling ammo, See a glimpse of the Over G(I'm guessing that it's the giant spider we see when the Hardballer lauches off the pad and flies off towards it. and the one in Episode 4 that gets on one of the giant derrick things. (Seems like it's going to be appearing in a lot of Episodes) Plus they haven't filled in the gaps in between the different chapters of the game.
They also only showed that you go to NEOS in the Preview for Episode 6, so it's good to know that we will be doing an ENTIRE episode at a Space station(going to be amazing)
Sorry, that's a lot of text >_>
All-in-all there is probably a ton more stuff taking place in the campaign, and if it wasn't originally, they should be doing it right now. Otherwise cross your fingers for campaign DLC.
Well, Personally I dont think that the last chapter is going to take place in space. Their might be a possibility of it, but I think they only need to go into space to take the satellite cannon, And then maybe somehow you use it while your on the ground in chapter 6. You never know, I mean isnt chapter 6 suppose to sum up all the story of all the factions of Pirates you have been playing? I dont know, we will see. I think that the last chapter might take place on the snowy part of EDN III. I remember that in the end of the TGS 2009 Trailer there was a big map of the planet at the end of the trailer that showed where all the chapters are going to take place, And the only marker thing that was left was the snowy part of the map. And then i notice in the new 2010 trailer that near the end of it where they show the huge pocket of Thermal Energy, that there is Snow around all of the thermal energy. If you watch the Lost Planet 2 Treasure Borrachos Trailer and pause it at 4:06 you will see what I mean. I also dont think that the "Over G" akrid is the big spider looking one that we see in Episode 5. Snow said that we will need ALOT of bullets to take the Over G down, that spider honestly doesnt look like its that tough. When I hear the word Over G it makes me wonder just how big and tough this boss is going to be. Not sure If I made any sense lol
Yeah, I know what you mean, I agree with everything you said, it's just that they also said that The Over G isn't at it's final form yet, so there still is a possibility that the spider could be the one, and it just goes through another transformation, but hey, you never know 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
The more I look at the video the more I'm upset that it's not May 28th yet. So Akrid X was brought in from space from what we know. Ne\/eC probably brought in the space critter to be one of their Akrid-VS, but the project went wrong. That makes me think that this Spider akrid was also brought in from space. And you have to ask yourself why. Why does Ne\/eC want Akrid-VS? I know why the game wants it, because Akrid Hunter in Colonies was really fun! But why does Ne\/eC want it in regards to the story? Very interesting indeed.
Just wondering Snow if there will be any multiplayer battle demos released? Where we can all test our skill against each other before the game comes out...
Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
So many questions.
Yeah, questions SNOW hasn't given a remark to..He better be busy or something. 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
So many questions.
Yeah, questions SNOW hasn't given a remark to..He better be busy or something. 
Snow we need you asap so many questions need to be answered.
MHFU HR G RANK 3 :) PSN: Shieldrun27 MH3: HR 60 code: to lazy to look -_-
I still really hope that there is some sort of Horde/Firefight gametype in the game. It would make the game MUCH MUCH more awesome. Well more awesome than it already is.