Watch the beginning of the video.
My question is how does the 2nd guy do the gunsword slash right away? Is this some kind of technique? Maybe or maybe not in the demo, but it's interesting. Like maybe an upgrade for the gunsword? I don't know.
i put this on the other thread too but i'll put it here too incase someone misses it on the other: it must be something they put in the full game. notice that both animations of the weak slash and strong slash are faster. in the demo it seemed like forever for the sword to retract but in the video there the sword comes out and goes back in hella fast and as far as technique they probably tweaked it so if you double tap before the first slash you'll do the second one but if you want you could still do the 1...2 slash. on the other hand, it could possibly be one of those perks Snow talked about. Quicker Melee Perk maybe???
PSN: callmeJackz Steam: callmeJackz http://www.youtube.com/callmejackz
Just remembered too, can we finally get Basil as a playable characters in multi??
A Basil skin would be cool.
My question:
As a percentage, how much of the game content was cut in order to fit the contents on the game disk?
 PSO Kireek
I wonder if Snow has played the cut content.
A Basil skin would be cool.
My question:
As a percentage, how much of the game content was cut in order to fit the contents on the game disk?
I know that Basil actually is valkyrie from colonies, but i'd also like the version from the cutscenes.
i noticed the camera angle is slightly diffrent in the Lost Planet 2. Lost planets camera andle was right behind you and in LP2 the angle is slightly to the side like in "dead space". is there a way to change the angle to its original style from the frist one? i dont mind the new angle its set at its just every now and then i would want to change it it a bit.
JOHN 1091 is xbox account jtdr2 is psn accunt. 1759 8541 7249 0373 is wii number. Add me, but let me know your from the capcom site. http://www.capcom-unity.com/john103091 is my old account. (i failed and forgot the password and username)
i noticed the camera angle is slightly diffrent in the Lost Planet 2. Lost planets camera andle was right behind you and in LP2 the angle is slightly to the side like in "dead space". is there a way to change the angle to its original style from the frist one? i dont mind the new angle its set at its just every now and then i would want to change it it a bit.
Is it just me, or did it sort of make you think of gears of war?
Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
It does remind me of GoW.. haha and its funny because they are in the game. and im not saying there is anything wrong with the way the angle is its just i like to mix an match my options of play and i do sorta enjoy the original angle more but if we dont get to change the angle then oh well i guess haha.
JOHN 1091 is xbox account jtdr2 is psn accunt. 1759 8541 7249 0373 is wii number. Add me, but let me know your from the capcom site. http://www.capcom-unity.com/john103091 is my old account. (i failed and forgot the password and username)
i noticed the camera angle is slightly diffrent in the Lost Planet 2. Lost planets camera andle was right behind you and in LP2 the angle is slightly to the side like in "dead space". is there a way to change the angle to its original style from the frist one? i dont mind the new angle its set at its just every now and then i would want to change it it a bit.
Right here...but when i look at it again it dont sound clear sorry.. im just saying it would be cool to be able to change up lots of the options..the more options that are custimizable the better i would say.
JOHN 1091 is xbox account jtdr2 is psn accunt. 1759 8541 7249 0373 is wii number. Add me, but let me know your from the capcom site. http://www.capcom-unity.com/john103091 is my old account. (i failed and forgot the password and username)
Hmmm Lost planet 2 in first person would be...diffrent...but the LP series is ment to be in 3rd person. so have anymore multiplayer modes been confirmed yet? i havent herd anything.
JOHN 1091 is xbox account jtdr2 is psn accunt. 1759 8541 7249 0373 is wii number. Add me, but let me know your from the capcom site. http://www.capcom-unity.com/john103091 is my old account. (i failed and forgot the password and username)