Enjoy your Day
LOL ^^ When will we see pictures of the female characters?
PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)
Enjoy your Day
Loooooool, must have done something REALLLY bad for that to happen xD
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Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Enjoy your Day
LMAO! If only we knew... Anyways, I don't really like the idea of a sandbox LP. Sandbox games can kinda be a bit boring in my opinion. Take RFG. Yes, the sandbox was great since you could go anywhere and blow anything up, but the missions were kinda bland because there was no guidance whatsoever to them. Just felt like the same thing over and over. A little linear guidance is good in all games. Now, dynamics. THIS IS A MUST! Frozen Wasteland had dynamic weather with the heavy blizard to mild blizard. And Lost Coast had dynamic time with day to night. Now combine the two and make it a little more random. And AI controlled akrid would be very fun, not to mention another source of T-ENG when you're running low. Maybe make it an option in the match set up. However, the game is pretty much done.
Enjoy your Day
lmao. The farewell makes this work.
Combining Dynamic Weather change and Akrid Attacks could very well be good additions to the multiplayer world! I agree that AI-controlled Akrids could bring spice, challenge and choice! Which would you take out first? The monster that keeps interfering in your way, or the opposing team to win the match? At the same time the Dynamic Weather Change brings that cinematic Lost Planet-feel! Fighting for your side during a harsh blizzard or storm...man who wouldn't want that?!
Dynamic Weather changes would be cool imagine sand storms and giant floods of water.
MHFU HR G RANK 3 :) PSN: Shieldrun27 MH3: HR 60 code: to lazy to look -_-
Exactly! IMO it really brings the Lost Planet-feel! Hope Capcom integrates these ideas last minute or perhaps a future DLC 
Yeah If they don't have it at first a future DLC pack would be cool.
MHFU HR G RANK 3 :) PSN: Shieldrun27 MH3: HR 60 code: to lazy to look -_-
changes would be cool imagine sand storms and giant floods of water.
I didn't even think giant floods of water. Imagine that in-game. Since you can now swim in LP2, places that would normally be hard to reach even with the grapple would be easy once the flood came by. Snow, you better be listening
changes would be cool imagine sand storms and giant floods of water.
I didn't even think giant floods of water. Imagine that in-game. Since you can now swim in LP2, places that would normally be hard to reach even with the grapple would be easy once the flood came by.
Snow, you better be listening
So long as you don't suddenly drown (Less death-falls in water maps please!), A flooded map or coastal map with high tides would be awesome. Imagine Ruins if the river would flood it's banks. Or Dilapidation and Lost Coast if the water started rising.  EPIC.
GT: Gonzogamer X
Combining Dynamic Weather change and Akrid Attacks could very well be good additions to the multiplayer world! I agree that AI-controlled Akrids could bring spice, challenge and choice! Which would you take out first? The monster that keeps interfering in your way, or the opposing team to win the match? At the same time the Dynamic Weather Change brings that cinematic Lost Planet-feel! Fighting for your side during a harsh blizzard or storm...man who wouldn't want that?!
Dynamic Weather changes would be cool imagine sand storms and giant floods of water.
Sounds kind of cool but I honestly can't say I'd want a bunch of akrid killing me or floods washing me away while I'm trying to kill the enemy team.
I dont know about floods, but I wouldnt mind the Akrid bit.