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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Nov 03, 2009 - 8:56PM #241
Posts: 650

Nov 3, 2009 -- 5:37PM, Snow wrote:

Nov 3, 2009 -- 5:20PM, C4SINO wrote:

Quick Question Snow: Are the guns balanced or are they like what Emu said, not balanced? Yes, no or can't be said?

That's a point of view question. Lost Planet 1 had many weapons, and the balance for each was greatly dependent on your own skill with each weapon. But that's like all games. From my own point of view, the weapons are perfectly balanced in Lost Planet 2 to how we want the game to be experienced. 

Maybe balanced was a bad word to use.  All the weapons are not EVEN.  The weapons on the map MAY be balanced because they are power weapons that people have to get to and control them, making them a balanced part of the game.  However, all weapons are not evenly powered.  If one guy started with a machine gun and one started with a rocket launcher who do you think would win?

Which leads me to kind of 2 gameplay questions I don't know if you can answer or not snow:

1.) Have the maps/weapons become more balanced?  I mean like no high ground sides, certain power weapons on certain sides, etc.

2.) Have you fixed where people can repeatedly get in and out of vs to avoid taking damage?

10 years ago  ::  Nov 04, 2009 - 6:46AM #242
Posts: 291

Nov 3, 2009 -- 8:56PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

If one guy started with a machine gun and one started with a rocket launcher who do you think would win?

Like Snow said, its dependant on the skill of the player who is using the weapon. I can tell you from much experience with the machine gun that the machine gun actually wins more that you think.

10 years ago  ::  Nov 04, 2009 - 10:12AM #243
Grey Fox
Posts: 7,474
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Where’s my spy camera?


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10 years ago  ::  Nov 04, 2009 - 12:13PM #244
Posts: 650

Nov 4, 2009 -- 6:46AM, Rhythmik wrote:

Nov 3, 2009 -- 8:56PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

If one guy started with a machine gun and one started with a rocket launcher who do you think would win?

Like Snow said, its dependant on the skill of the player who is using the weapon. I can tell you from much experience with the machine gun that the machine gun actually wins more that you think.

Yeah maybe if you were fighting somone who sucked with rockets but in a 1 v 1 equal skill level the person with rockets will win most of the time.

10 years ago  ::  Nov 04, 2009 - 5:12PM #245
Posts: 137

Nov 4, 2009 -- 6:46AM, Rhythmik wrote:

Nov 3, 2009 -- 8:56PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

If one guy started with a machine gun and one started with a rocket launcher who do you think would win?

Like Snow said, its dependant on the skill of the player who is using the weapon. I can tell you from much experience with the machine gun that the machine gun actually wins more that you think.

Negative. The rocket launcher is a fire and forget weapon. If spawning with rockets was an option, 9/10 players would spawn with rockets. The other 10% would spawn with a sniper rifle.

10 years ago  ::  Nov 05, 2009 - 4:53AM #246
Posts: 291

Nov 4, 2009 -- 12:13PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

Nov 4, 2009 -- 6:46AM, Rhythmik wrote:

Nov 3, 2009 -- 8:56PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

If one guy started with a machine gun and one started with a rocket launcher who do you think would win?

Like Snow said, its dependant on the skill of the player who is using the weapon. I can tell you from much experience with the machine gun that the machine gun actually wins more that you think.

Yeah maybe if you were fighting somone who sucked with rockets but in a 1 v 1 equal skill level the person with rockets will win most of the time.

If you say so, but even then I still disagree because the question was about balance. Let me break it down: The machine gun, though less powerful than the rocket launcher, is a steady stream firearm with the ability to cause the "knock-back/interruption" animation multiple times within 1 clip, in addition to shooting while moving freely. The rocket laucher, though more powerful and the ability to cause splash damage, is limited to only 1 "knock-back/interruption" animation per shot, and causes you to either A: if on the ground, stand still at time of firing, or B: if your bunny hopping, makes you commit to a single direction and generally causes less accuracy. so the balancing factor here is movement and how often you can cause that interrupt animation.

Nov 4, 2009 -- 5:12PM, Kaeporo wrote:

Nov 4, 2009 -- 6:46AM, Rhythmik wrote:

Nov 3, 2009 -- 8:56PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

If one guy started with a machine gun and one started with a rocket launcher who do you think would win?

Like Snow said, its dependant on the skill of the player who is using the weapon. I can tell you from much experience with the machine gun that the machine gun actually wins more that you think.

Negative. The rocket launcher is a fire and forget weapon. If spawning with rockets was an option, 9/10 players would spawn with rockets. The other 10% would spawn with a sniper rifle.

And you're right, if given the ability, most people would go for the more powerful weapon available, who wouldn't? but the question was about balance, not weapon selection.

10 years ago  ::  Nov 05, 2009 - 10:20AM #247
Posts: 650

Nov 5, 2009 -- 4:53AM, Rhythmik wrote:

Nov 4, 2009 -- 12:13PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

Nov 4, 2009 -- 6:46AM, Rhythmik wrote:

Nov 3, 2009 -- 8:56PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

If one guy started with a machine gun and one started with a rocket launcher who do you think would win?

Like Snow said, its dependant on the skill of the player who is using the weapon. I can tell you from much experience with the machine gun that the machine gun actually wins more that you think.

Yeah maybe if you were fighting somone who sucked with rockets but in a 1 v 1 equal skill level the person with rockets will win most of the time.

If you say so, but even then I still disagree because the question was about balance. Let me break it down: The machine gun, though less powerful than the rocket launcher, is a steady stream firearm with the ability to cause the "knock-back/interruption" animation multiple times within 1 clip, in addition to shooting while moving freely. The rocket laucher, though more powerful and the ability to cause splash damage, is limited to only 1 "knock-back/interruption" animation per shot, and causes you to either A: if on the ground, stand still at time of firing, or B: if your bunny hopping, makes you commit to a single direction and generally causes less accuracy. so the balancing factor here is movement and how often you can cause that interrupt animation.

Who stands still while shooting rockets?  Jumping doesn't really make you much less accurate either.  I've seen many people who jump and nail people across the map with rockets. 

Rockets have range and power over machine gun without any less mobility.  Machine gun may stun you for a second but unless you have pretty much no health you'll still easily be able to jump and shoot.  Like I said, with two evenly skilled players the one with rockets would beat the machine gun about 90% of the time.

But I'm not saying it's unbalanced because the rockets are a power weapon that you have to go and get.  However they are not even in power.  If everyone had the choice of any weapon rockets and rifle would be all that people would choose.


10 years ago  ::  Nov 05, 2009 - 1:20PM #248
Posts: 291

Nov 5, 2009 -- 10:20AM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

Who stands still while shooting rockets?  Jumping doesn't really make you much less accurate either.  I've seen many people who jump and nail people across the map with rockets. 

Rockets have range and power over machine gun without any less mobility.  Machine gun may stun you for a second but unless you have pretty much no health you'll still easily be able to jump and shoot.  Like I said, with two evenly skilled players the one with rockets would beat the machine gun about 90% of the time.

But I'm not saying it's unbalanced because the rockets are a power weapon that you have to go and get.  However they are not even in power.  If everyone had the choice of any weapon rockets and rifle would be all that people would choose.



If you're not jumping, the game forces you to stand still for a second at the time of firing. Its not a choice. And you're right, I too have seen people who can jump with rockets and kill with deadly accuracy, but I've also seen people with that same accuracy with the machine gun that just keep stunning you until you're dead. But in either case they are not the majority. My point is not saying that the machine gun will beat the rockets more than the rockets will beat the machine, but rockets beating the machine gun 90% of the time? I don't see it. Its just like you told me earlier, only if that person sucked with the machine gun. Me personally, I'm no elite player but I'm very capable, and against a player of my same skill with rockets, out of ten times I'll win at least 4 times. And that is from experience. Now against one of those people who has that deadly accuracy, I'll probably lose all ten times. And that's also from experience. But see, it goes back to skills, not the weapons.


But I do agree with you on the point that the machine gun is not even in power with something like the rockets. But they're not in real life, so why would you want them to be even in the game?

:-D Man, I actually understand what you're trying to say. And I know that everyone will either pick rockets or snipers if given the chance, except probably a few like me (I like to be different). So don't feel like I'm trying to bust your chops. I just see like it would be no different than all the sniper and rocket matches that show up online now that dominate the list when looking for matches. I have no quarrels with any of the rumored ways the system may be implements (we actually still don't have the facts from Capcom). But in regards to balance, I guess well have to agree to disagree. Like Snow said, it was a matter-of-opinion question to begin with.


10 years ago  ::  Nov 05, 2009 - 1:38PM #249
Posts: 832

umm can we go back to asking questions

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10 years ago  ::  Nov 05, 2009 - 2:26PM #250
Posts: 542

what weapon i would pick at game start is soley dependent on the type of map and gametype were playing, when people say they would either pick rockets or sniper if given the choice i think their assuming the map their playing on is going to be flat and wide open with very little cover or indoor environments and no enviornmental effects like whiteouts,rain,fog,smog,day/night cycles etc.

question1:speaking of environmental effects, is this in the game?

It looks like Capcom's got their act together on the multiplayer/co-op maps (and maps in general), and hopefully all maps aren't going to be wide open spaces like they were in the 1st game but a strategic and tactical layout of all different map layout types.

question2: are multiplayer maps more varied this time around, and could you give us a few examples using the maps in LostPlanet1 as a example?

I also hope all maps have environmental effects, and that theirs a option for random (or host can set) environmental effects at the beginning of multiplayer match. this way no matter what weapon systems chosen or what maps chosen their will still be a factor to contend with within the game.

I think these two features would go so much further in "balancing" the weapons instead of host having the ability to force everyone into using the same weapon system.


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