Hmmm I agree with S&M wear for the ladies 
My question is, when are we getting new info?
Wonder if they have S and M gear for the males. <=3
Thong Crusader?
Question TIEM!: Okay Snow, I know it's like super early for this but, have you guys or the producers ever thought of a design contest to make a Community Character pack? Like concept art that people would send, and if you like it you'll make a new DLC with 10 new characters hand-picked from the community?  Other games that have open customization do this A LOT.
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Is there going to be a new centralized hub for player data, new forums and LP news updates when the game drops, or is this "it"? The lpcommunity.com site is all flash and pretty dated at this point, so I was wondering if it would be getting a face lift or any features to work with the new game.
♪ "Who Feels It Knows It" ♪
I know you probably can't say outright whether this will be an option yet, but could at least say if it's being looked into or discussed? An option to play matches with no VSs.
It's something we're definitely discussing. The game itself has a ton of feed back from these very forums, so this request has been around for quite some time. There's a ton of things to considered when throwing in the option to turn off the VS, however. Is there going to be a new centralized hub for player data, new forums and LP news updates when the game drops, or is this "it"? The lpcommunity.com site is all flash and pretty dated at this point, so I was wondering if it would be getting a face lift or any features to work with the new game.
We are already planning some big and cool things for the community site this time around. More news on that soon, but before I reveal anything I'll wait until we actually have some plans finalized.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Will we still be able to swing by going up and down with the hookshot? I know its a sort of dumb question, but I need to know. also snow nice new picture.
Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
Will we still be able to swing by going up and down with the hookshot? I know its a sort of dumb question, but I need to know. also snow nice new picture.
Yup, i tryed it in the demo and it still works.
PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)
Will we still be able to swing by going up and down with the hookshot? I know its a sort of dumb question, but I need to know. also snow nice new picture.
yeah in the demo
Quite frankly, I would be shocked if they put an option to turn off VS's, they are part of what makes Lost Planet what it is.
Sort of a non serious question but...will Lost Planet 2 have a mid night launch?(May sound creepy)I kind of had a dream about it a while ago....
 Your FACE!...god damnit! C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.) 3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me. Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211 What you're doing is 120% criminal. Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt. You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)