Actually, the horrible truth about this game is that it's basically just Megaman Legends 3 cannibalized for art and physics resources then repackaged in an attempt to cut their losses and sell to a bigger fanbase.
www.gameoverviews.com/is-e-x-troopers-re... if you have eyes to see, you can see it plain as day here.
Yeah ..... No
You can tell from the design and gameplay they are completely different the one thing that looks the same is the fat guy
generic anime style gung ho smiling Naruto-ish douchey main character some military academy cute girls just their to be cute in little skirts to cater to virgins. (not surprising considering LP2 females are dressed like faction-based fan service strippers) Not interested. On a positive note, the blak/white/red nazi-inspired military uniform looks badass.
even if it is MML3 repackaged I'm fine with it. More additions to the LP universe the better, hopefully they all do well and we continue to have LP spinoffs. I still want that LP movie to come out (wishfull thinking) How about some LP comic books capcom?
next thing you'll be telling me the mesh from the spiky pink haired douche in lost planet's trailer doesn't look almost identical sans hood to the spiky red haired douche from mml3's jacket mesh. o_0 who's paying you off to spread these slanderous accusations that capcom isn't evil or cheap?
How about some LP comic books capcom?
They made the Bound Raven mangas but as far as I know they're only in Japanese. :|
Keep on rollin'
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E.X. Troopers was being made at the same time as the MML3 Project.
generic anime style
gung ho smiling Naruto-ish douchey main character
some military academy
cute girls just their to be cute in little skirts to cater to virgins. (not surprising considering LP2 females are dressed like faction-based fan service strippers)
Not interested.
On a positive note, the blak/white/red nazi-inspired military uniform looks badass.
You have a selective memory as the only skimpy clothing belonged to the Jungle Pirate Femme Fatal. The Carpetbagger and NEVEC costumes were fine. I'm all for trying something new. if this comes to the Uk it will be my reason for buying a 3DS. Honestly, the anime artstyle brings something new to the series. It's better than having the same thing over and over again. Plus LP2 is rumoured for the Vita.
I supose a style being new totally makes up for the fact that its hideous... New is not always good. The fact that something good is new makes it better, but not everything is good by virtue of being new. If you think this is good, I hope you have something beyond newness to justify that. This looks like just a crap title to milk the franchise. About the Femme Fatales, it may not be as apparent with NEVEC and carpetbaggers, but compared to their male counterparts, its clear that even the NEVEC and carpetbagger females have been designed with sex appeal in mind. This is what it looks like when female characters are NOT just there for fanservice: wfiles.brothersoft.com/r/r_s/rat-patrol_... -Notice how members of the same military or organized fighting group all pretty much dress the same. How the female's clothes isn't designed to show off her legs or tits, how its not tighter than the men's, how its not to make her look cute for the sake of drooling morons.