i am thinking this is going to be a japan only game. Ps3 and nintendo ds.
Music must be composed by the same person who did training missions in LP2, don`t you think ?
From the scene where there fighting snow pirates it looks to be co-op, as there are 3 people fighting the pirates. Also saw what looked like a purple energy gun. EX-Troopers is currently 60% complete and due for release in Japan later this year. It will be playable at the Capcom Summer Jam event June 30 - July 1 at Tokyo Big Site.
^ Cool! Totally importing this game!
Keep on rollin'
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The cool point is that the LP series is reviving. And the RPG elements makes the things better. But this anime look dont look so good for me
We are the Dead!
Honestly I think we are better pushing everything we know about Lost Planet out of the Window for this, the only thing that makes it look like LP is the Akrid and the VS in the trailer, It may be related to LP be I sure as hell am not classing it as a Lost Planet game. its a Spin off that has nothing to do with the series. Like the Monster Hunter Cat Games for the PSP
Yeah... So this is a spin-off right? Alternate universe? I am not a huge LP Lore buff, but this is wayyyyy to different to be in the same series and storyline. I always got a chaotic and survival feel from 1 - 2, and 3 (from the looks of it) but this throws that all out the window.
I'm not really sure what to think of this. I mean it looks more like megaman legends then lost planet. And I'm fine with that, but what was the point of cancelling legends 3 and then making a game that looks very similar to it in another series?
Snow gave me this tiny Data Post
I think this looks kinda cool atm.
Not lost planet, but it still looks good.
I'm actually loving the way the art style is at in E.X. Troopers. It really has me interested in the possiblities that this game can come up with it. I'm very interested in the story the most, with character designs as that and the fast it's set in the Lost Planet Universe. I'm really looking forward to more news on this amazing game. C: