Group Officials
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
A well made Lost Planet on new gen could have t...
on Jan 21, 2020 @ 7:01 PM CST
Replied to
Capcom® Gets Steamed
on Jul 7, 2019 @ 5:07 PM CDT
Lost Planet
10 years of Lost Planet
Hi everybody !It`s been a long time since someone posted in this forum, i`m happy it happened :)I believe LP, LPC & LP2 are special and unique games for many of us. It`s a great...
24 Replies
10 years of Lost Planet
yup i dont mind! the more the merrier. honestly tho. i have no idea if i will be apart of the pc part of this event. i wanna get a new pc but idk. I have to buy xbl again but i...
24 Replies
los planet idea discussion and suggestions thread.
Gonna copy/paste from a post I replied in in the LP3 subsection For multiplayer I would like to see a more classic style although with many of the mechanics that were brought in...
1 Replies
10 years of Lost Planet
I'm down. On 360 I have LPC and LP2; on PS3, just LPEC; and PC I have LPEC, LPC, and LP2.I'd love it if we can have some Akrid Hunter! I can also try to get some people from...
24 Replies
10 years of Lost Planet
Well. November is pretty far down the line. I plan on getting a better pc so idk. Maybe we can get a PC LP colonies crew going.
24 Replies
10 years of Lost Planet
Sadly I will not be able to attend. All my PS3/XBox 360 Games are in the UK with the systems :( Moving to the US I was only able to bring a few things, and one had to be my PS4.
24 Replies
10 years of Lost Planet
Allow me to break the iceUnless my maths are wrong, Lost Planet will be turning 10 years old in November! It's always been one of my favorite capcom games and LP2 is my alltime...
24 Replies
los planet idea discussion and suggestions thread.
In this thread you can create your ideas, suggestions for new games lost planet this thread will be used until a new release capcom say new game los planet in time creates your...
1 Replies