Gonna copy/paste from a post I replied in in the LP3 subsection 
For multiplayer I would like to see a more classic style although with many of the mechanics that were brought in with LP2. I wouldn't mind seeing the LP2 style of loadouts present though as an option, so long as we can customize our loadouts mid-game, ban certain weapons, and as long as the weapon types are reworked.
I think all the weapon types should be split based on the weapon model they use. For example, Standard should be split into Machine Guns, Energy Guns, and Gunswords. Perhaps MG and GS could be put into the same category since they are very similar. Short Range should be Shotguns and Launchers where as the Revolver could be grouped with the Handgun. A new grenade category could be "Specials" which would consist of any gimicky grenades like the Firework or Chameleon grenades.
For campaign, I would like to see either a full on co-op or a single player with co-op "VR" missions. Either way, I'd like to see an EX Troopers hub style for it. Perhaps even take inspiration from the upgrade system in EX Troopers. Like you can start a new game and have only the basic guns but as you progress you can acquire blueprints and materials to make the variants like MG II, Rocket Launcher SP, Hand Grenade III, etc. all while still being able to choose the basic versions for each mission or other variants. And just as the PVP, I'd like to see the mechanics LP2 had brought back.
Weekly leaderboards need to be brought back. We shouldn't be screwed over because a couple of cheaters occupy the top spot, making it impossible for legit players to get certain rewards like in LP2. Server browser for ranked and unranked. Unify the two into one browser with icons to differentiate them. Allow join in-progress for certain game modes and make in-progress matches visible in the browser even if they can't be joined. Bring back optional connection types. A population counter would also be nice.
This might be something a lot of people would hate but I wouldn't mind seeing cosmetic microtransactions if it meant we could get free maps and game modes.