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13 years ago  ::  Feb 12, 2007 - 2:51PM #411
Posts: 2,360

The Nubbin wrote:

i think i finally figured out the problem. well i hope to have mine done soon. within a few days i hope. since brian said do whatever we want, i hope this is alright... but i guess i'll find out soon enough.

Can't wait to see it.

I've got a small headache. Got a sausage (would've rather had pepperoni but we didn't have any) Tombstone pizza going in the oven. Hopefully that makes the pain go away because I hadn't consumed anything but tea since I got up and a cold chicken tender. Seems like I always get a headache if I don't eat for several hours after getting up. Retarded.

Gonna finish getting the TMs on Hard. I just need to do 10 and 11. I'm gonna take Extreme a lot slower. Probably a level a day.

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 7:47AM #412
Posts: 4,873
hurry up and beat extreme mode lucent so you can play with us again! :p
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 9:53AM #413
Posts: 2,360

The Nubbin wrote:

hurry up and beat extreme mode lucent so you can play with us again! :p

lol I know! I've been too busy with this that I've only got on to play clan matches and stuff.

I'm completely done with Easy, Normal, and Hard. I got lucky and beat mission 1 on Extreme with 1k energy at the boss. I read a strategy that helped me out a lot. The only hard part was getting rid of the babies. After that the mom ain't hard at all. Just toss'n the grenade on her left or right side and rolling to the side you threw the grenade so you don't get hurt. Then try to hit her with all 6 of the VS rocket launcher and finish her off with whatever else you have. I still had some normal rockets and pwned her ***.

I started to head through mission 2 but the ammount of Akrid keeps getting more and more rediculous. XD

I can tell this is gonna be both fun and annoying. Seems I'm gonna have to do a bit of trial and error with some strategy and being aware of all the things around me, especially those **** Dongos. How many times have I tried to fire something and I get rolled over by one no matter where I roll because there are a lot of them.

10 missions to go and I can put campaign behind me for a good while. :)

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 11:24AM #414
Posts: 326

Lucent85 wrote:

lol I know! I've been too busy with this that I've only got on to play clan matches and stuff.

I'm completely done with Easy, Normal, and Hard. I got lucky and beat mission 1 on Extreme with 1k energy at the boss. I read a strategy that helped me out a lot. The only hard part was getting rid of the babies. After that the mom ain't hard at all. Just toss'n the grenade on her left or right side and rolling to the side you threw the grenade so you don't get hurt. Then try to hit her with all 6 of the VS rocket launcher and finish her off with whatever else you have. I still had some normal rockets and pwned her ***.

I started to head through mission 2 but the ammount of Akrid keeps getting more and more rediculous. XD

I can tell this is gonna be both fun and annoying. Seems I'm gonna have to do a bit of trial and error with some strategy and being aware of all the things around me, especially those **** Dongos. How many times have I tried to fire something and I get rolled over by one no matter where I roll because there are a lot of them.

10 missions to go and I can put campaign behind me for a good while. :)

Ignore everything on extreme! Just run to the next checkpoint and after you die, you'll start with an brand new tank of thermal energy. The only thing you should focus on on extreme is the boss (unless you're getting the TMs, but you have screenshots for that).

13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 11:52AM #415
Posts: 996
i am thining i might revisit the story mode. i just got 2 achievements left. but i have 3 dificulties to go throught to get those to but i might give it a try. Hulot is it better to have the auto aim off in extreme? i have it off now but i was wondering if it made it easire on the more dificult ones
13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 12:29PM #416
Posts: 326

chaser74 wrote:

i am thining i might revisit the story mode. i just got 2 achievements left. but i have 3 dificulties to go throught to get those to but i might give it a try. Hulot is it better to have the auto aim off in extreme? i have it off now but i was wondering if it made it easire on the more dificult ones

Not sure, never really used auto-aim.

13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 12:49PM #417
Posts: 4,873
i want to play all the difficulty modes and get all the tms, but im still having way too much fun online with you guys to to that just yet :D
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 12:51PM #418
Posts: 920
I havnt even beat the game once yet.. im still on the 3rd level of Normal difficulty... :D

More intrested in playin online..
PSN : Fabrikator

Currently Playing:

PS3 - MGS4
PSP - MGS Peacewalker
Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 12:59PM #419
Posts: 326

fabrikator wrote:

I havnt even beat the game once yet.. im still on the 3rd level of Normal difficulty... :D

More intrested in playin online..

But that sweet succulent 1000 *zombie gaze*

13 years ago  ::  Feb 13, 2007 - 1:02PM #420
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

Ignore everything on extreme! Just run to the next checkpoint and after you die, you'll start with an brand new tank of thermal energy. The only thing you should focus on on extreme is the boss (unless you're getting the TMs, but you have screenshots for that).

Yeah well those **** Akrid don't make it easy. I don't want to do the missions on Extreme more than I have to so I'm trying to get as many TMs each time as I can. At least I got mission 1 done right the first time.

How hard is the boss on mission 2 compared to the first boss? I just know I'm gonna walk in and start lob'n grenades at the pirates and then taking down the mechs.

I like online, too, but I just want to get this out of the way and I usually start doing it before you guys even get on. But I may only do one or two missions a day depending on when I start and how hard they are. If I can do mission 2 today I bet I could do mission 3 because it's fairly short but I may have to do it more than once because even on Hard I had a bit of trouble escaping two worms. I bet there's 3 on Extreme. Crazy. I love this game. XD

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
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