You are late dude: http://www.capcom.com/BBS/showthread.php?t=5810 :eek: This is the random thread for the Lost Planet forum. Most of the people who post in this thread don't venture off into the other Capcom games much.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
oh hey guys whats up? i haven't been in these threads over the weekend, whatcha been talking about.....

for this, i will destroy you...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
i think we were talking about it in a match online recently, but i cant rememeber... anyways it was along the line of "what are the chances of seeing mega man on XBLA?" im guessing slim to none, but i can hope and dream :) also i found this in the edit profile section; Please contact the Administrator if your date of birth has changed. i just wondered how that could change haha :D
its boring being the only one on this early in the morning... :(
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
 meh! :p
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
i missed alot over the weekend haha so i had to catch up in replies and my burns haha :D
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
i see that oh and BTW we wasyed 2 clans yesterday in post grab we are currently number 7 on the leader boards and are 3 and 3
oh hey guys whats up? i haven't been in these threads over the weekend, whatcha been talking about.....
for this, i will destroy you... 0h n035! Se3duc3 h4ckz0r3d T3h Nubb1n'5 4cc0un7!
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
0h n035! Se3duc3 h4ckz0r3d T3h Nubb1n'5 4cc0un7! i cannot speek l33t so i have no idea what you are saying othe than "oh no seduce hacked the nubbin's account"
let me know if this is right
i cannot speek l33t so i have no idea what you are saying othe than "oh no seduce hacked the nubbin's account"
let me know if this is right lol That's what I said bascially. It's just switching out letters for numbers really.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4