More Persona 4 stuff! This two videos! Pretty **** long promos, too! One being almost 10 minutes and the other around 8. I have to say, the funky intro stuff is very stylish. But I don't really know why they even bothered to animate the character portraits at all. Ooh, they can blink! Really moving up in the world! /sarcasm...They should've just left them still and/or have sets of them so they can change depending on what they want to express.
Ah, well. I'm sure hulot's already seen these, but I thought I'd post them so if anybody else is interested. Think outside the Capcom, SNOW! lol, j/k. This is a PS2 game so yeah, don't worry about it. :rolleyes:
cool but i was hoping to annouced the other one supposely at work, P4 is cool but i want something more like the Nocturne for the PS3 well i got wait and hoping
I think he meant.. how many from the old crew will be on it.
Actually, I meant how many people can we do the Free Roam with. I know it's up to 16 players in multiplayer, but I was thinking maybe it didn't apply to ALL modes. Just seems a little too good to be true if you could run 16 players in the full maps and not have some serious lag issues going on.
But, that's something else to wonder about, too. I know hulot's waiting to hear about what the "substantial" DLC for the 360 version will be, but I think most of us are getting it on the PS3. You don't really have a choice now, Fab. :rolleyes: