You hear that M$ made an exception for Bionic Commando: Rearmed to have the file size it needs to be equal to the other versions? How nice of them. Still getting it on PSN, of course. :D
lol. Looks like snow is on the prowl. I just noticed this guy asking about what content Colonies would have. I was about to say something, but snow closed the thread. Some people are SERIOUSLY lazy, though. They probably don't even use google, let alone a search bar within a forum.
Oh man, I'm hungry. Think I'm gonna go grab some left-over pepperoni and chicken pizza. :D
Im hungry too.. tell your moms to cook me somethin
It's okay, I'll find a way to get you back for that. :D
Funny how Resident Evil 4 went from this... killing livestock and a girl named Ashley. :rolleyes:
It's crazy. It went from super scary, paranormal stuff with fixed camera angles to mostly scary only because I was overwhelmed the first time I played it and a controllable camera. Umm...yeah. Resident Evil 4 is sick. Resident Evil 5 has its work cut out for it. I really hope that game goes beyond the "racist" thing. Like, who knows, maybe it just starts out there. We might get to kill some white people...or actual zombies.