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12 years ago  ::  Feb 09, 2008 - 3:27AM #2231
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

Oy, it's late, played till I finally got Dante. Yeah, achievements do a job on all the right OCD nerves. Still, all my next-gen Capcom games are on the 360 so I'm still up in the air about it. I guess the only reason I got my PS3 was because of worry over getting a new 60 gb for a reasonable price, back compat being its main selling point for me. I'm not sure what else I want from the PS3 library right now, just did a check, maybe Resistance and Ratchet & Clank. I have Uncharted, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, and Turok (all borrowed). Maybe Lair next? :p

I do have Warhawk ordered so if any of you guys have it, we should play it sometime.

Yeah, I love my 60GB, even if it is used and for some reason doesn't have a Playstation 3 logo. :P

And what next-gen Capcom games? Only ones I know out on the 360 are Lost Planet, Dead Rising, and Devil May Cry 4. Lost Planet and DMC4 are both on the PS3. So that's one. lol. B/C wasn't a big deal for me on the 360, because its library was pretty sparse as far as what I'm interested in. But the PS2 and PSone still have so many games I want to play, so getting a 60GB was a must.

As for the games you mentioned, I think Uncharted would be a good rent. I just hope that the team makes a new Jak game. Folklore caught my interest after playing the demo. I'm waiting to see when the US version of the PS3 'The Best' series comes here. Then I can get Folklore and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Heavenly Sword's a rental for me. I heard bad things about Lair. Didn't like the Resistance demo. Ratchet and Clank is beautiful. Nothing can stand in the way of the Disco Ball gun. lol. And I dunno about Warhawk. The trailer was kinda "meh" but I'm willing to give it a shot so as to not have LP be the only multiplayer game I play. GTA4 comes out near the end of April, and then I'll be lost in that for awhile.

BTW, anybody see the movie 'Vacancy'? I just watched that and thought it was pretty good. The only thing I hate about movies like that, though, are where I end up trying to tell the person who is being attacked to stop being stupid and kick the crap outta the attacker. I was like "HEADSHOT! C'MON! YOU ALREADY SHOT HIM 3 TIMES! JUST SEAL THE DEAL! PUT ANOTHER IN HIS HEAD!" 

**** Heath bars and Pepsi....

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Feb 09, 2008 - 11:46AM #2232
Posts: 326

Lucent85 wrote:

Yeah, I love my 60GB, even if it is used and for some reason doesn't have a Playstation 3 logo. :P

Aren't the top covers removable? That's only thing keeping me sane now that I've got these light scratches on the system :p

Lucent85 wrote:

I just hope that the team makes a new Jak game goatee&angst-free.


Lucent85 wrote:

GTA4 comes out near the end of April, and then I'll be lost in that for awhile.

Hmm, another one of those 360 or PS3 decisions. I guess I'll see how the reviews are, and if that 360 exclusive content is any good. Then again, I think the new GTA has a more shooter oriented mechanic so maybe the 360 controller'll be best for it.

Oh, and it looks like Nazis won't make it into Lego Indiana Jones :( … iana-jones

12 years ago  ::  Feb 09, 2008 - 2:14PM #2233
Posts: 2,360
I didn't know that the top was removable. If so, wonder how I could get my hands on a new one. :D

And don't hate on Jak's goatee. I liked his new look. I have a goatee. Do you hate me? :(  lol j/k. I do have a goatee, but I was just kidding about the h8'n part. And what's wrong with his angst? Wasn't Cloud angsty? They were angsty for a reason. If someone was doing expirements on you for a couple years, wouldn't you be a little ticked off? At least they got him talking AND gave him a good voice. They just need to avoid making another racing only game.

As for GTAIV, I'm easily getting it on the PS3. And if I remember right, I don't even think you use the trigger (RB/R2) to fire. I'm pretty sure the trigger locks on and you press a face button to fire. Stop making excuses to get achievements. ;)
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Feb 09, 2008 - 6:35PM #2234
Posts: 326
You've beaten DMC4 now, right Lucent? Looks like I don't need to buy Culdcept, I've got a frustrating dice board game right here in DMC :mad: Mission 19 with Nero is just lazy design, even more so since they return to the board game from a previous mission.

A question, how's the PS3 limited edition of the game? Cause regular PS3 cases are smaller than standard DVD cases so what size is the limited edition's steel case?
12 years ago  ::  Feb 10, 2008 - 12:36AM #2235
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

You've beaten DMC4 now, right Lucent? Looks like I don't need to buy Culdcept, I've got a frustrating dice board game right here in DMC :mad: Mission 19 with Nero is just lazy design, even more so since they return to the board game from a previous mission.

A question, how's the PS3 limited edition of the game? Cause regular PS3 cases are smaller than standard DVD cases so what size is the limited edition's steel case?

Hey now, that's a cheap shot. lol.

Yeah, the dice board game isn't exactly the greatest idea for a "puzzle". It's just a game of chance. You smack the dice and hope it lands you on yellow or the end. That is the only reason why Mission 19 took me so long. I went around some of those boards alot. So getting an S rank in time on that mission would be all luck.

BTW, if you protect Kyrie from the scarecrows (don't let them hit her once) for 90 seconds, you get the epilogue 2 video after the credits roll. It's just a fun video with Dante, Trish, and Lady that kind of shows that they're always ready for another adventure. And I beat it on Devil Hunter so I'm going for Son of Sparda later. Just messing around with Bloody Palace for awhile.

And I think the PS3's collector's edition is still smaller than a DVD case. It looks so nice. I made a thread about it with pics in the Devil May Cry 4 section of these forums. :D

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Feb 10, 2008 - 9:39AM #2236
Posts: 326
Is the Collector's edition the same size as a regular PS3 case?

And yeah, a dice rolling board game is just lazy for an action game, so is recycling old bosses to pad out the length. It was annoying the first time but to think they'd bring it back at the end for an extended encore....

Anyways, I've beaten the game on Devil Hunter, got both epilogues. I have to say, it's definitely a return to form and much more like the first game than the third. More varied enemies make me happy though they still can't beat out the sheer ferocity of those shadow hounds from the first game. As for story, I'd have to say, Capcom should go into the cheese making business cause they make some **** good cheese. Nothing ham-fisted like in the third one but just enough B-movie flair that gets both Nero's and Dante's scenes across entertainingly.

Tried out Motorstorm. Seems fun. I agree with you about Resistance though, it's all sorts of suck.
12 years ago  ::  Feb 10, 2008 - 11:26AM #2237
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

Is the Collector's edition the same size as a regular PS3 case?

I'm not sure as I don't have any other PS3 cases or Blu-ray cases to compare it to. It might be, though, because it barely has the space to fit the game disc in. They put the bonus dvd in a slip cover on the side with the manuel, unlike how they did it with the 360 SE which had both on one side overlapping eachother with one on top and the other on the bottom. Like Lost Planet did.

hulot]And yeah, a dice rolling board game is just lazy for an action game, so is recycling old bosses to pad out the length. It was annoying the first time but to think they'd bring it back at the end for an extended encore....

By annoying the first time, do you mean when Dante had to fight them again? But, yeah, they really had no reason to do that. They did it better in DMC3 with only fighting them twice (which you only really had to fight 3 or 4 twice if u just wanted to progress). In DMC, you fought all the bosses 2 or 3 times, but they had their own presentation and it was more interesting.

And yeah, a dice rolling board game is just lazy for an action game, so is recycling old bosses to pad out the length. It was annoying the first time but to think they'd bring it back at the end for an extended encore....[/quote]
By annoying the first time, do you mean when Dante had to fight them again? But, yeah, they really had no reason to do that. They did it better in DMC3 with only fighting them twice (which you only really had to fight 3 or 4 twice if u just wanted to progress). In DMC, you fought all the bosses 2 or 3 times, but they had their own presentation and it was more interesting.

hulot]Anyways, I've beaten the game on Devil Hunter, got both epilogues. I have to say, it's definitely a return to form and much more like the first game than the third. More varied enemies make me happy though they still can't beat out the sheer ferocity of those shadow hounds from the first game. As for story, I'd have to say, Capcom should go into the cheese making business cause they make some **** good cheese. Nothing ham-fisted like in the third one but just enough B-movie flair that gets both Nero's and Dante's scenes across entertainingly.

Yeah, the enemies are varied. They brought back a lot of the same enemies from the first one, only some had different attacks and weapons. But I love the cutscenes in all the DMC games. I think this is the best presentation of Dante's character ever. He's so confident and just shows how experienced he is. Every cutscene against the bosses made me smirk. I just wonder where DMC will go from here. Dante let Nero keep Vergil's sword. And I still saw no evidence of Nero being related really. You could take Dante's comment before the 2nd fight with him when he says something about wanting his brother's sword back because it should stay in the family as a clue meaning Nero is somehow related. But at the same time, I'm not so sure. I don't know why all these people keep saying he's Vergil's son or their lost brother or a reincarnation of Vergil or Sparda.

Anyways, I've beaten the game on Devil Hunter, got both epilogues. I have to say, it's definitely a return to form and much more like the first game than the third. More varied enemies make me happy though they still can't beat out the sheer ferocity of those shadow hounds from the first game. As for story, I'd have to say, Capcom should go into the cheese making business cause they make some **** good cheese. Nothing ham-fisted like in the third one but just enough B-movie flair that gets both Nero's and Dante's scenes across entertainingly.[/quote]
Yeah, the enemies are varied. They brought back a lot of the same enemies from the first one, only some had different attacks and weapons. But I love the cutscenes in all the DMC games. I think this is the best presentation of Dante's character ever. He's so confident and just shows how experienced he is. Every cutscene against the bosses made me smirk. I just wonder where DMC will go from here. Dante let Nero keep Vergil's sword. And I still saw no evidence of Nero being related really. You could take Dante's comment before the 2nd fight with him when he says something about wanting his brother's sword back because it should stay in the family as a clue meaning Nero is somehow related. But at the same time, I'm not so sure. I don't know why all these people keep saying he's Vergil's son or their lost brother or a reincarnation of Vergil or Sparda.

hulot]Tried out Motorstorm. Seems fun. I agree with you about Resistance though, it's all sorts of suck.

Motorstorm is pretty cool. I play the demo just so I can laugh as I run into a wall and explode or hit the NOS for too long and the engine explodes. I get a kick out of it every time. And I dunno how Resistance was a big seller for them. It just seems so lame.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna go pick up Disgaea 2 and Godhand tomorrow. Maybe Rogue Galaxy if they still have the one at Target for I saw and was dumb enough to pass on it. At least I can try Godhand out for Fab and tell him my thoughts on it even though I told him you thought it was good. :ro wrote:

Tried out Motorstorm. Seems fun. I agree with you about Resistance though, it's all sorts of suck.[/quote]
Motorstorm is pretty cool. I play the demo just so I can laugh as I run into a wall and explode or hit the NOS for too long and the engine explodes. I get a kick out of it every time. And I dunno how Resistance was a big seller for them. It just seems so lame.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna go pick up Disgaea 2 and Godhand tomorrow. Maybe Rogue Galaxy if they still have the one at Target for $10 I saw and was dumb enough to pass on it. At least I can try Godhand out for Fab and tell him my thoughts on it even though I told him you thought it was good. :rolleyes:

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Feb 10, 2008 - 7:31PM #2238
Posts: 112
Godhand is easily the best Beat-em-up I've played so far. Its very challenging, and hilarious. Gene and his antics are just too funny, you realoy need to give it a try.
12 years ago  ::  Feb 11, 2008 - 2:56AM #2239
Posts: 2,360

UndyingZero wrote:

Godhand is easily the best Beat-em-up I've played so far. Its very challenging, and hilarious. Gene and his antics are just too funny, you realoy need to give it a try.

I've seen it used for arounf $15 normall, so I might as well buy it instead of spending the money to rent it and THEN buying it. I trust you guys. :rolleyes:

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Feb 11, 2008 - 7:54PM #2240
Posts: 119
Is this the free crack give away?
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