Gamertag is redvzblue you is alreadies on my list! holy crap! did i play with you sometime cuz i dont remember that... haha sorry im slow in the head most of the time. :rolleyes:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Sorry, Nubbin. I was kidding. I know they usually don't let people use those programs at work, but we're basically doing what those were designed for so I thought I'd say it just for the hell of it.
And I think the gum grenade thing is getting old. We've played it out too much. Tosses a gum grenade on both Nubbin and Chaser. :D "what the fuh...." ("BOOM SHAKA LAKA" says the gum grenade to nubb's face!) i will avenge my dead self. shaka laka.
and i knew you were messing, but just incase brian was like "Hey! lucent's right! (gum grenades nubbin's face)" haha :D
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
I changed the title of the thread and made it a sticky. I was thinking about making just such a thread before this one was made.
I changed the title of the thread and made it a sticky. I was thinking about making just such a thread before this one was made. Thank you Brian, you're the man. but you already knew that :cool:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
HEY!!! i cant use those at work... but i am allowed to surf the interwebs. :p so this is my idea... and i suppose if Brian or Sven or any other moderator doesnt like it, they'll delete it and then gum grenade my face :eek: and i'll just live clogging up the official blog contest thread forever :D I made it a sticky, but how about I gum grenade your face anyway? :eek:
I made it a sticky, but how about I gum grenade your face anyway? :eek: oh snap! will you be on tonight? i think i need a chance to redeem my self after you and leesh handed lucent and i our own @$$es.. haha and then you'll have your chance to gum grenade my face. haha :p
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
oh snap! will you be on tonight? i think i need a chance to redeem my self after you and leesh handed lucent and i our own @$$es.. haha and then you'll have your chance to gum grenade my face. haha :p Don't know about tonight. Maybe.
And I was just returning the favor, man. When I hopped on, I was sucking the first 1 or 2, maybe 5 matches. I don't know if I was just warming up, or we lost the good players and the noobs started jumping in the lobby...
i love BFME II because the music reminds me of Lost Planet... which was even better once i found out it was the same composer :D Lord of the Rings is my favorite trilogy.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Don't know about tonight. Maybe.
And I was just returning the favor, man. When I hopped on, I was sucking the first 1 or 2, maybe 5 matches. I don't know if I was just warming up, or we lost the good players and the noobs started jumping in the lobby... yea but that was a blast no less. if you can make it on tonight, i know at least chaser and i will be on for a while...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Oh hell yeah. i foudn this awsome sniping spot on dark city and i will own all form there. brain dont ask leeshbug about it cause she was in the game where i found it.