The issue is that the right analog stick is reversed; i.e. left-right tilts camera up and down, and vice versa. There's another thread on how to fix this by changing the config file however that only works in the demo not the retail version of the game. Has anyone found a solution to this?
use a keyboard and a mouse (o.O) I think it's faster..... I used a 360 game pad and I went nuts trying to aim and all q-_-p
use a keyboard and a mouse (o.O) I think it's faster..... I used a 360 game pad and I went nuts trying to aim and all q-_-p I also prefer a kb/mouse setup but unfortunately there's just too much lag. Someone recommended changing the mouse setting to fix8 which did make things slightly better but still lags. The gamepad on the other hand works fairly well except for the right stick issue.
If there's a lagg, then even the best keyboard or mouse cant help you... Serious issues with lagg...ppl disappearing and reappearing. PPL jumping across a bridge only to see them falling off....then 2 seconds you see them on the other side of the bridge...stupid laggers -.-
the config file can be fixed in the real version as well. just you have to find it. i recommend doing a windows search for it or type in E:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\capcom\lostplanet in windows and you should find it.
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
Yes, some of the folders are hidden incase your wondering... O_O
Yep I already tried changing config.ini (rstick_vert=z, rstick_horz=rz) still doesn't work.
Yep I already tried changing config.ini (rstick_vert=z, rstick_horz=rz) still doesn't work. thats odd. what controller are you using? i tried to use a ps3 controller for it but the config file wouldn't let me change the buttons around. my sticks worked fine tho.
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
thats odd. what controller are you using? i tried to use a ps3 controller for it but the config file wouldn't let me change the buttons around. my sticks worked fine tho. I'm using a ps2 controller via usb adapter
use a 360 wired controller, it works on a pc. I have it and no problems with it when playing LP. but seriously wouldnt a mouse and a keyboard be faster? and dont you like the option "It's nice to meet you" when you press F1 ?