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Switch to Forum Live View Lost Planet XBOX 360 Patch!
13 years ago  ::  Aug 30, 2007 - 11:00PM #21
Posts: 265
Latest update was working just fine for me. I don't get why so many people are having problems.
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 30, 2007 - 11:52PM #22
Posts: 287

Goufunaki wrote:

Latest update was working just fine for me. I don't get why so many people are having problems.

It because most of them are to lazy to find out what types of game they should join. They want it all done for them.
Capcom! Make a game where people dont have to play! You'll make billions, wait thats TV. Ugh how about some form of support so they don't have to even hold their own bodyweight...

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13 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2007 - 12:23AM #23
Posts: 996
here si the thing.... if you jump inot a room with A and you see aline above that means that the host connectino can on hold that many people..for instance if you see a line under 10 that is all the host can hols so thrre will be lag. now when i was hosting the line was at the bottom and there was virtually no lag. you need to find out about your upload speed to find out what type of room you need to be in
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2007 - 12:55AM #24
Capcom Admin
Posts: 10,782

SuperJusfighta2 wrote:

rofl I just played a few games on default and pattern A.  It's totally fukt up.  You can't pick up weapons, you can't get into vs's. I see names of ppl disapearing all over the place. Twice I died to what had to have been, someone invisible.

Then use Pattern B. It uses game-launch network code. All of my game sessions have almost no lag and definitely no connection errors.

Too bad only a few players make Pattern B matches. Start making B matches, people! (FYI, I do make Pattern B matches, it's just that nobody joins them. :(  )

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13 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2007 - 1:26AM #25
Bi6 Dog J
Posts: 150
i think what capcom tried to do was help us .. i have yet to play but hear of all bad things ... really all they did was over complicate the situation ...

i mean i know its easier said then done .. BUT it woulda been easier to add a counter to each person, and whenever a persons count is off from the others ... then they get booted after being so far outta wack, or so many times ....

and to fix the invisible/ gettin booted ... well look how rainbow 6 does it ... even if you cant connect with EVERYONE you still get to play ! granted you and the host has no problems connecting ...
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2007 - 7:31AM #26
Posts: 996
that is patern B old school before the first patch. we played all the types last night and i can say i love A wheni am hosting there virtually no lag and everyone can see everyone else even in dilap with 16 people. this new patterns are a testiment to your connection speed. if you need to you can goto to check your upload. i just got my cable fixed (stupid squirles) and i am running 1.5 down and 12 up.
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2007 - 9:19AM #27
Posts: 32
Chaser I agree with you. If you know someone with a high upload speed you will have a lag free game. Playing the game the way it was ment to be played is great. Thanks Capcom.
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2007 - 1:00PM #28
Posts: 920

chaser74 wrote:

that is patern B old school before the first patch. we played all the types last night and i can say i love A wheni am hosting there virtually no lag and everyone can see everyone else even in dilap with 16 people. this new patterns are a testiment to your connection speed. if you need to you can goto to check your upload. i just got my cable fixed (stupid squirles) and i am running 1.5 down and 12 up.

I think you mean 12 down, and 1.5 up :p

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13 years ago  ::  Aug 31, 2007 - 6:25PM #29
Man Is Obsolete
Posts: 191

chaser74 wrote:

when are you going to come back to the LP world. i have not seen you in forever man oh btw new gamertag is chaser74 ANBU

oh, i've been waiting for my xbox 360.  i just received my 5th one (after the 4th red ring of death).  you'll be seeing more of me now.  yay!

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13 years ago  ::  Sep 01, 2007 - 5:33PM #30
Posts: 8
Right out the gate, I want to take a second to thank the Capcom team for all their efforts...

Since the patch came out I have been testing this thing in every form possible...  With the help of the various people that have ventured into my rooms...

We have used different hosts with every type on every board with every weapon!!  We have used the yellow indicator & pushed past it to various degrees..  All that I have met in my ventures in testing have been eager to figure it all out, gobbling up whatever bit of knowledge that has been shared and running to to find out where they stand!!
I have to say the the ISP's are going to be forced to earn their keep on this one...LOL  I know mine will be visiting me on Tuesday to find a way to insure that I never drop below my 1M, no matter what day or time it is!!!  Hahahaha
The ISP's like to talk to you in download like that maters, messes them all up if you talk to them in upload....

I have to say that Type A is a dream!!!  If you utilize it as it is designed you can't go wrong!!  It finds the problems & removes them in short order..  Lag is non existent if you do not push past the line with a proper host!!  No mater what the board or the weapon!  The only problems I see is the limited pipelines in the 360 graphics card (like when the bridge blows at the island)!!

I hear more people confusing the glitching with lag than anything (you know the ones that are wiggle happy with their thumbstick & do the appear/disappear up & down stuff)  Yep, that's glitching/cheating,  no connectivity patch will fix them...  I have also heard some complain about a couple second delay in someone dying...  LOL  I find that level of knit picking hilarious...  I could give a rat's a**, just so long as they die as they should and the rest of the lag issues are gone...  Half the time people miss & just can't fathom that they aren't the most accurate guy in the world... I know that since using the Type A patch all is as it should be...

Thanks Again...

PS - The VS switch and the characters that were released w/LP EC PC version would be great to get out here in XBL Land...  I'd also have to say that a boot/kick button (both in the ranks & player matches) would be great to weed out those that scream through a match or are just plain rude and obnoxious..LOL
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