Quick Question: Also, will this fix the issue where players can press "standby" on their modem (which creates artifical lag)?
A player earlier this morning demonstrated this technique for me. He could walk through walls, put up posts with no one seeing him, and appear to be in one place, but actually in another. This is type of behavior blatently takes advantage of lost planets network code and i'm hoping it has been stopped.
Was this fixed?
Stonebraker maybe you should post of this cheaters tag so everyone knows to stay away from them. but no big deal when halo comes out all the cheating laggers will be gone
but no big deal when halo comes out all the cheating laggers will be gone true!!! .
true!!! . when are you going to come back to the LP world. i have not seen you in forever man oh btw new gamertag is chaser74 ANBU
maybe you should post of this cheaters tag so everyone knows to stay away from them. but no big deal when halo comes out all the cheating laggers will be gone Are you implying that i am cheating?
No, I think he want you to remove it so other don't get any ideas...
there are already enough cheaters out there...
Are you implying that i am cheating? No, I think he wants you to remove it so other people don't get any ideas...
there are already enough cheaters out there...
I edited my post, please edit yours and remove the quote
i am not implying that you are cheating but whomever showed you this is cheating and needs to be called out
who cares the lag is so bad you don't know if its the game or them...with this new update normal people will do **** stand-by'ers do.
rofl I just played a few games on default and pattern A. It's totally fukt up. You can't pick up weapons, you can't get into vs's. I see names of ppl disapearing all over the place. Twice I died to what had to have been, someone invisible.
This should go down in history as how a company screwed up their own game 2+ times not only on 360 but on pc too. Amazing... I wonder if this 360 and pc situation is the laughing stock of the game dev world.
Anyone ever notice how you can't see other players reload their weapon?