Check it out:
On August 31th (Friday), we will be conducting an extensive network update on Lost Planet (Xbox 360)!
With this update, players will be able to select from 3 different connection types when they create a mission.
By allowing the player to select the most suitable connection type for their environment, the game's connectivity could be improved for the players who used to have problems.
There are 3 connection types. Choose the one that matches you best!
[Default] This is the standard setting regardless of upload speed.
[Pattern A] This is more suitable when your upload speed is fast. Try this if your connection is unstable with Default.
[Pattern B] This is more suitable when your upload speed is slow and your connection is not stable with Default. Try this if your connection is unstable with Default.
best, Seth
Ask me about my beard. Or don't. It's cool either way.
So I have to ask since it isn't in the notes, were more things done behind the scenes, or is this simply a fix for the people who get booted out of the lobby often? In other words, are measures in place to limit the lag to an acceptable level like it was earlier in the game's life?
I'm really not sure how much I'm supposed to be saying here but I know you guys need more info than what's provided so here's my interpretation of what's been done (don't kill me if I have a detail or two portrayed innaccurately): There's the current network system as the default (peer-to-peer with quality check... eliminating the risk of invisible players but some people's ISPs/Routers don't always play nice). If you don't have any problems, you're probably best off sticking to this. Then there's an entirely new set of network code that's client server based (Pattern A). For this, the host needs to have reasonably good upstream bandwidth to host more than 8-10 people. Here, if your connection is good with the host, you should have a great game. If not, find a different host. We'll have more details on the bandwidth requirements/number of players "soon" (TM) I think. You may have to experiment until we are able to get you those numbers. I saw someone with 1Mbit upstream on another thread, I suspect you're good to go on 16 player matches with that but I'll confirm in the next couple days (I'm traveling on business for a few days starting tomorrow). Lastly, if neither of these work for you, there's the original network code from launch in the form of Pattern B (peer to peer, no connection quality check... which means you run the risk of "invisible players" if some connections are waaaay off/transcontinental). More specifics on this will be provided in the coming days. One of these should work for everyone. Suffice to say, there's been a LOT of work done by the team on this. I've not yet seen the code running yet (I'll see it when you see it) but we've got high hopes that it will address people's concerns.
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
I'm glad to see that we haven't been forgotten, I may have to retract some of the posts I've made in the past. I'm still wishing for the new characters that the pc version has, or exclusive 360 characters, and the ability to disable the mechs.
I'm glad to see that we haven't been forgotten, I may have to retract some of the posts I've made in the past. I'm still wishing for the new characters that the pc version has, or exclusive 360 characters, and the ability to disable the mechs. i still want the **** camera angles that PC got
I just want to play without laggy people in the match...
And if it matters how many people are in a match why in the world can't the host decide how many people can enter a ranked match... it's silly that we have to roll the dice trying to get an even number of players in the room (like 12). Y'all (Capcom) should have consulted with the end users more before release... we could have helped you develop a better patch I am sure.
Yeah, I am sure that you get a lot of crappy ideas from the forum and the people crying for the things off topic, but you could also get some good free advice if you are willing to filter through the crap.
If the new patch lets the host determine how many people can enter the room, then please forgive me for my rant and impatience...
Thanks for some extra specifics Sven.
I've noticed in the current, pre-patch environment, that players in a room is 50/50. I've done 4 person eliminations where 3 of us have no problem killing each other, but there's that one guy who is twitching all over the place. Hopefully all goes well after this.
Why not just add a new field called 'Ping Limit" which specifies the maximum ping permitted for that match?
If a player can't meet the required limit before/during the match for more than 10 seconds, they are booted, plain and simple.
(submitter pats his own back)
Quick Question: Also, will this fix the issue where players can modify their bandwidth to create lag? (edited by request)
Was this fixed?
Maybe you should delate that post so no more people see this?