looks like those might not be sprinklers but maybe those fogger type's instead either way it look like we'll have something for cover a bit:D
anyone else notice there's no pics of mech's in these levels coincidence?
anyone else notice there's no pics of mech's in these levels coincidence? Interesting...
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
anyone else notice there's no pics of mech's in these levels coincidence? But I did notice VS weapons in both.
http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/761/ … 43123.html
http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/761/ … 43120.html
This doesn't really mean the maps will have any VS though. I hope that Trial Point doesn't at least.
So after this there's at least one more map pack (two maps) and the free battlegrounds map right?
looks like those might not be sprinklers but maybe those fogger type's instead either way it look like we'll have something for cover a bit:D
anyone else notice there's no pics of mech's in these levels coincidence? You think a mech could fit into an office building?
Well given that half of Hive Complex is a mine, that has to be at least one spider mech.
So after this there's at least one more map pack (two maps) and the free battlegrounds map right? Well I guess. But let's hope for more maps still.
yea im hoping they keep the maps coming i enjoy having new map's
I know that even if there isn't more maps after this release(besides Battleground) that there will be plenty of other cool stuff. Like Data Post finally fully up and running. And some form of Clan support. I bet there's even more than that the Capcom guys and gals are keeping under tight wraps so no surprises or secrets are ruined... :D
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
If you look back, as Sven's post just prior to the first pack (Radar / Island) said, you will see this: "The next two packs, as well as the free Battleground map will be made available in the coming months." NEXT TWO. I couldn't find it quickly, but I do know one of them said someting like '6 unseen + Battleground' were in the near-term works.
Sven has said that June is the date for Battleground.
Imagine that, a full room in Battleground! I expect it will be even harder to get a BG game with the two new ones out Friday. Radar and Island did that at first.:rolleyes:
So, there is another pack to follow, at least. BETTER BE A SOMEWHAT GREEN PLACE in the pack :cool: Raver wants to wear his cammo!