it's only like 10 bucks, that's what 2 cups @ starbucks or a movie or something right, maybe 10 taco bell burrito's...
please get them so we can play with you
Just when you thought you couldn't get more lost, get ready for the second multiplayer map pack for Lost Planet. This new map pack will include two maps: "Hive Complex," an abandoned mine with twisting tunnels and bridges set on a war-blasted mountain side, and "Trial Point," a modern day office complex featuring a photorealistic backdrop of a busy city center. The map pack will be available for download from Live Marketplace on Friday, April 6 and will cost 400 Microsoft points. Check out a short video preview of the maps on Capcom-Unity. WOW!!!!! Love the photorealistic indoor map.
Heh, wait until you guys see the "outside" parts of Trial Point. You're going to go nuts.
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
that's just mean cause now we have to wait 4 1/2 days until we get to see the outside of trial...:P
yah those look amazing !! i cant wait 4 days yaay !! perfect timing ! guitar hero comes out soon too :D now all i really want is clan support ! that would definately make me never leave this game !
man i was jazzed before now you tell me there's a outdoor part as well, oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy
yah those look amazing !! i cant wait 4 days yaay !! perfect timing ! guitar hero comes out soon too :D now all i really want is clan support ! that would definately make me never leave this game ! Tomorrow! Hell yeah!
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
let me know how guitar hero is for the 360
Lost, do you have any overhead shots of these maps?