You've asked us to put up some gamer pics for Lost Planet and as requested, we've put up two pictures packs, both include 6 gamer pics for 60 points per pack (10 points per pic effectively). The first pack includes pictures of most of the main characters in the game (the good guys anyway). The second pack includes pictures of three Akrid and three VSes.
We've also put up a very cool new Lost Planet theme for download for 150 points.
When I'm back in the office next week I'll try to put up some pictures of what they look like (though you can see them in the banners in the Marketplace before you buy).
Enjoy :)
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
I'm downloading the Theme right now, along with the Online Demo. :)
Our time stamps and post numbers were inverted.
I was really hoping the gamerpics would be free.:( I don't like to spend money on stuff like this especially if I'm only going to be using it for a couple of weeks.
MS won't let third parties do pics for free (remember, they're footing the bandwidth costs and handling transactions so they have costs associated with these things). There are recommended prices for all such materials. As it is, $0.12 per picture shouldn't be breaking the bank for anyone. We've priced them at the absolute lowest recommended price.
Christian Svensson Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-PresidentNow Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U & 3DS), Neverwinter(PC), Sim City (PC), League of Legends (PC) Any typos you see are probably my iPad's fault (probably). You can find me on Google+
No Wayne pictures and only one theme?
that's lame i say, need more LP goodies.
No Wayne pictures and only one theme?
that's lame i say, need more LP goodies. There are two themes, actually. I didn't really want a Wayne picture anyway. I'd rather have a slew of snow pirate pics. That's an idea! Can we get a 3rd pack that has nothing but snow pirate types in it? That'd be awesome. I've actually become quite attached to the lil' blue gnomes myself. We'll see if that changes when I see the other types.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
i got my icons.. i think the 2nd set could have been better but i hope we'll see more in the future
I find the LP theme a little too 'pastel' for my tastes, so I just use an image file from one of the fansite kits as my dashboard background. I'd really love to see a VS theme, showing off some of the cooler mechs in the game. Heck even a mix of Akrid and VS shots would be nice as long as they're high res and clear.
Yeah a theme with akird and VS would be sweet. Or... the amazing smoke effects. Like a VS blowing up.