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13 years ago  ::  Dec 21, 2006 - 1:53PM #11
Man Is Obsolete
Posts: 191
and a quick grenade story...

i was running into the big field on pirate fortress and spotted an enemy.  apparently, he spotted me at the same time, AND we both had the same idea.  each of us threw a hand grenade.  they hit each other in mid-air, and my grenade bounced back at me... his bounced back at him.  we both died.  i laughed for 14 hours after.  it was awesome.
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13 years ago  ::  Dec 21, 2006 - 7:24PM #12
Posts: 335
i lol'd in RL :)
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13 years ago  ::  Dec 27, 2006 - 7:01PM #13
Posts: 112




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13 years ago  ::  Dec 27, 2006 - 7:48PM #14
Posts: 123
1. Dummy
   The proximity detonation gives them the edge.
2. Disc
   Long distance is an excellent plus
3. Plasma
   Arguably better than regular grenades. I tend to have better luck with them.
4. Grenade
   Still not bad. I don't mind them.
5. Gum
   I hate these grenades. There are fewer of them, the range is bad, and there's not a benefit to offset these disadvantages. I'd rather have any other grenade.
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13 years ago  ::  Dec 28, 2006 - 2:53PM #15
Posts: 102
I agree with what everyone has said so far but you guys havent mentioned how horrible gum grenades are against mechs. I once stuck a mech with 4 gum grenades possibly 5 and the thing was still moving. Horrible horrible damage when used against a mech.
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13 years ago  ::  Dec 28, 2006 - 3:08PM #16
Posts: 996
the VS is easy to destroy in the second map. just hit the legs with them. you can take it out with one disk or 2 gum as long as teh hit the legs.
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13 years ago  ::  Dec 29, 2006 - 1:42PM #17
Posts: 7
1- Disc Grenades: These are basicly grenades that stick and fly straight. It's easy to hit VSs with them, and blowing a disc grenade in mid-air as it goes by an enemy with the VS Shotgun is the most satisfying kill I've had. While they don't stick to walls, if it sticks to a player, it's instant death, you can just go away happy, knowing that soon a "kill" warning will show on-screen.

2- Dummy Grenades: Not only to they explode on impact, which is great against slow VSs like most of the ones found in Pirate Fortress, but they easily fool younger players, and sometimes even veteran snipers, that get off their zoomed scope after a nice long-range kill, only to find that something is coming near, stress out, shoot it, and die. Since they only inflate after reaching ground, throwing it inside a building is the number 1 way to know if there are people inside. Most of the time they will shot it out of reflexes.

3- Hand Grenades: These things disappear completely in the snow, you have good amounts of them, and they do very, very good damage. The range is very big aswell. What they lack in special characteristics, they make up for it in "simpleness" and sheer power. They can make lots of people jump out of cover really, really fast.

4- Plasma Grenades: These things can immediately stop someone with a Gatling Gun or Shotgun from killing you, and if afterwards you carefully aim and fire with a Machinegun, they can't get free until they die. It's awesome against VSs, since if the impact hits the mech, it will stay stunned for more than enough time to either run away, or grapple to him. If in doubt whether a building is clear, you can just throw one of these inside and go in, knowing that most enemies *should* be stunned.

5- Gum Grenades: These are better than most people think. These are by FAR the easiest grenades to use in "Passive" demolition work. After you've captured a Data-Post deep in the middle of the map, these are extremely easy to just deploy in the walls, give you more than enough time to escape, and then blow all the cover, making it easier to shoot people trying to take the post. Beside, if you Grapple to a VS and stick these in the Pilot capsule, I've seen it knock the VS down, much to the same effect as shooting the pilot alost. 1 or 2 in the legs of a VS are the most effective weapon a footsoldier has against one. They work as mines if placed in the snow, since they take a long time to explode.
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13 years ago  ::  Dec 29, 2006 - 2:37PM #18
Posts: 335

chaser74 wrote:

the VS is easy to destroy in the second map. just hit the legs with them. you can take it out with one disk or 2 gum as long as teh hit the legs.

most of them are vulnerable at the legs, i just discovered this today:)

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13 years ago  ::  Dec 29, 2006 - 3:04PM #19
Posts: 996
the VS is dilap is very weak in teh legs. you can take it out with one rocket to the legs.....did this last night
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13 years ago  ::  Jan 06, 2007 - 12:57AM #20
Posts: 4
A really nice little trick i discovered with the disc grenae is that if you throw it and its not going to hit somebody you can shoot it in the air as soon as it goes by someone and it will usually kill them, yeah, i just found that out today, pretty useful(but not if youre getting shot at, then its a pain)
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