1. Dummy grenade - Definitely the best grenade, imo. It's almost broken. Very easy to get kills and lure people.
2. Hand grenade - Unlike the dummy grenade, you have to be pretty accurate with this
3. Disc - long range, works well against VS' from afar
4. Plasma - i find it useful for 1vs1 encounters but other than that, i don't use it much
5. Gum - basically good for VS and anyone standing on those towers that you can explode. You have to be really accurate with it... it's ok
Post yours
I have to say that I don't really use the grenades all that much, and I also found out that plasma grenades don't stick to people the hard way (Just shows I've played too much halo 2...) But I would rate them:
1) Disc
2) Dummy
3) Gum
4) Hand grenade
5) Plasma
1.) disc 2.) hand 3.) Gum 4.) Plasma 5.) Dummy.
The Disc gernade is the swiss army knife of grenades in this game. No matter what you're going up against, it's always useless. It's slightly marred by the longer throw time, but it's wonderful if you wanna steal a couple kills in the distance.
I hate dummy grenades. You can't use them as an actual dummy as they're too easy to tell if their fake. Perhaps that'll change witht he future models, but for now, the ghost like feet are a dead give away. Not to mention that if you wanna use them as Anti VS weapon, they always ping off the frame, then go off in some other direction. I can't use them very well, and it's for that reason that I like the hand grenades a lot better.
The Plasma grenades are useful, but 90% of the time, I find it easier to simply keep the cross hairs locked on my enemy and plug him rather than risking the throw animation and having no effect. Considering they do little to nothing to a VS other than holding it still for a couple seconds, they're not really well rounded enough for me to work with.
1.) Dummy- These are the only grenades that seem to explode on contact. I use them in just about every situation. Can just about kill someone on foot or knock a chunk out of the VS health.
2.) Disc- Come on. How many games have a grenade like this? I used to prefer the Gum until I found out these stick. They're fun to throw at mechs or people from afar and set off with your gun. Sometimes they slide in the snow and become temporary mines.
3.) Hand- They hide better in the snow so unsuspecting people run up to them and get caught in the blast.
4.) Gum- These have the worst throwing distance of any grenade. They do, however, work wonders against post-grabbers and you can slap these on mechs easily.
5.) Plasma- I love what they do to my enemy, but I'll often throw them and either get caught in the blast too or get my teammates that I didn't see. They do a bit of damage though. Over time, they can screw someone over.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
1.) Dummy- Just seem to be insanely good with these.
2.) Hand- I like these just because you can bank them off walls and stuff to take out enemies without ever having to actually encounter them.
3.) Plasma- I actually find these pretty useful. I like to throw these into windows then grapple hook up and gun down the stunned enemies.
4.) Disc- Good for long range and VS especially if you're good at sticking people with them.
5.) Gum- Don't go very far but are kind of like throwable mines that you can self trigger by shooting so I find them useful when people are running up that narrow passage on the pirate fortress level and I'm above them.
As you play you find various uses for different grenades, stuff you hadn't thought of.
There's nothing more satisfying than sticking a sniper across the map with a disk grenade, or sticking a VS or a guy in the head with a bunch of gum grenades. Gum grenades don't have much distance, but you can stick them to walls and the ground, whereas the disk grenade will go much further, but will bounce if it hits a wall or if you don't get enough clearance over a ledge.
Dummy grenades are easy to tell, but they do explode on contact (fun for throwing at people), and they appear as red dots on the radar. They're also easier to shoot when in full form, so you can shoot them when someone walks by close enough.
Plasma grenades are good for stunning people you can't see yet, like around the corner, inside a building, on top of a hill, etc. It also leaves them perfectly still to make it easier for your VS-piloting teammate to take a shot with the cannon or rocket launcher.
Hand grenades have a good distance to the throw, and at a certain distance you can shoot detonate them right at the end of your throw animation. As someone else mentioned, they also disappear into the snow.
They all have different uses, so when you spawn with a certain kind of grenade, or pick up a different kind of grenade, you have to change your strategy a bit.
Take that Halo! :p
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
1. disc 2. gummy 3.hand 4.dummy 5. plasma
1.Disc 2.Gummy 3.Dummy 4.Hand-great for dropping down the tube on dilapidation on data post 5.Plasma
the grenades in this game are so awesome. they're one of the many reasons i am so drawn to this game. and now, my list.
1. disc grenades - at first, i thought they were cool because they flew a long distance. then, i found out that they stick to people. "hahaha, that's awesome," i though. and last, i found out you can shoot them. greatest idea ever. i love throwing them knowing they won't hit my target and stick, but i shoot it as it bounces off a wall or goes right by them. BOOM!
2. hand grenades - good distance and nice damage. plus, i think they look neat.
3. dummy grenades - these are just hilarious. my favorite quote ever came from someone online after another player threw several dummy grenades in one location. he warned everyone, "watch out for all those dummies!" in a serious voice. it was pretty funny.
4. gum grenades - i just hate the stupid high arch path that they take when you throw them. they're still fun though.
5. plasma grenades - i'm getting better with these, but for now, i just always die when i use them.