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Lost Planet Weapons Is the Energy Weapon overpowered?
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Switch to Forum Live View Is the Energy Weapon overpowered?
13 years ago  ::  Feb 27, 2007 - 4:14PM #21
Posts: 256
Praise the energy gun. It's alot easier to dodge and then kill the guy, than to dodge a mech with missles + gattling gun until his energy runs out, or you destroy the mech.

It is fun to dodge cause then you get the first shot w/ machine gun and own them.

Only thing i hate is the small shots, impossible to dodge, and take like 1/10 of your health away.

Without this weapon, mechs would be even MORE whored, as if they aren't enough already.

And what fun is Training Facility w/o this gun?
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13 years ago  ::  Apr 02, 2007 - 5:10PM #22
Posts: 563
after veiwing the weapon on some maps i think it might be a little overpowered, especially if there are 2 of em, dodging one is hard enough 2 of em and a homing laser makes it near impossible then factor in the other players who see you as an easy meal since your in defense mode rolling rather than killing, still on larger levels it's not too big a deal
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13 years ago  ::  Apr 28, 2007 - 7:58PM #23
Posts: 47

anubis2night wrote:

still on larger levels it's not too big a deal

The larger maps usually have two. Sometimes three.

Dealing with an Energy Gun user used to be alright. Roll through, shoot, roll through, shoot, and so on. NOW, Energy Gun users do those obnoxious little blasts that seem to take off quite a chunk of health and you're unable to dodge most of'em.

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13 years ago  ::  Jun 05, 2007 - 8:49AM #24
Ian Darkly
Posts: 84
I agree - this weapon is overpowered, as is the homing laser.  Really, in a game where aiming is pretty much the core of the game, weapons that make that task easier are bound to be overpowered.

I suggest that Capcom limit the use of these weapons by break/despawn after a certain number of shots are fired.  I know T-energy was supposed to help this, but teammates just hand the weapons off to one another.

On a side note, I think Mechs should have a limited number of re-spawns on some of the smaller maps.
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 05, 2007 - 10:48AM #25
Posts: 249
Believe it or not I don't hate the energy gun or the people that use it anymore. But I would like to see two things done in a sequel.

One reduce the damage of the large blasts to make it take three blast to kill someone, like the plasma gun. Only fair I think.

Two change the small blast so it does not home in as much and/or make it not stun you, this makes winning with a machine gun at medium to long range hard because your character stops shooting each time one hits you. You can fire the small blast so fast that the person using the machine gun can only get off one or two bullets in between.

But really weapons like the energy gun and homing laser are only a problem when a opposing team has all of them and is camping with them. But still this is only a minor problem if your team uses some communication. For example "Does anyone have a sniper or rockets to take out that homo laser *****?" Usually the problem is solved in a matter of seconds if the right person is listening. Good communication is the key, silence is a false security.
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 05, 2007 - 2:12PM #26
Posts: 920

TH3RD_3Y3 wrote:

Believe it or not I don't hate the energy gun or the people that use it anymore. But I would like to see two things done in a sequel.

One reduce the damage of the large blasts to make it take three blast to kill someone, like the plasma gun. Only fair I think.

Two change the small blast so it does not home in as much and/or make it not stun you, this makes winning with a machine gun at medium to long range hard because your character stops shooting each time one hits you. You can fire the small blast so fast that the person using the machine gun can only get off one or two bullets in between.

But really weapons like the energy gun and homing laser are only a problem when a opposing team has all of them and is camping with them. But still this is only a minor problem if your team uses some communication. For example "Does anyone have a sniper or rockets to take out that homo laser *****?" Usually the problem is solved in a matter of seconds if the right person is listening. Good communication is the key, silence is a false security.

Or make the small blast of the energy gun, NON Homing. I think that would even it out as well

PSN : Fabrikator

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13 years ago  ::  Jun 06, 2007 - 7:53AM #27
Posts: 4,873
I like things the way they are.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate
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13 years ago  ::  Jun 10, 2007 - 6:03PM #28
Posts: 19

TH3RD_3Y3 wrote:

Believe it or not I don't hate the energy gun or the people that use it anymore. But I would like to see two things done in a sequel.

One reduce the damage of the large blasts to make it take three blast to kill someone, like the plasma gun. Only fair I think.

Two change the small blast so it does not home in as much and/or make it not stun you, this makes winning with a machine gun at medium to long range hard because your character stops shooting each time one hits you. You can fire the small blast so fast that the person using the machine gun can only get off one or two bullets in between.

But really weapons like the energy gun and homing laser are only a problem when a opposing team has all of them and is camping with them. But still this is only a minor problem if your team uses some communication. For example "Does anyone have a sniper or rockets to take out that homo laser *****?" Usually the problem is solved in a matter of seconds if the right person is listening. Good communication is the key, silence is a false security.

if the energy gun took three large shots to kill someone it would become relatively useless because it would take too long to kill just one person.  Each shot knocking them over, combined with them dodging a few (if they're decent), you'd never be able to kill anyone with it.

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13 years ago  ::  Jun 11, 2007 - 3:27PM #29
Posts: 4,873

srd24 wrote:

you'd never be able to kill anyone with it.

That's not true. You could still kill Fab. :p

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 16, 2007 - 4:41PM #30
Capcom Admin
Posts: 10,782

fabrikator wrote:

Or make the small blast of the energy gun, NON Homing. I think that would even it out as well

I definitely agree. The small blasts stun and by the time I reach cover, I'm already dead. So friggin' lame!

Also, the energy gun should consume T-Eng at a faster rate.

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