I didn`t liked the energy gun when i started to play LP but now I think it is ok. Most times I go for cover if I see someone aiming for me with it. Maybe it should draw a little more energy.
I like this weapon the way it is
I think it's pretty fair as a weapon, it's good for taking someone out of as mech, is useless unless fully charged and if you know the right moves can be over taken fairly quickly, that said the only gripe I have is the tiny mechs in pirate fortress at the bottom they cant change into cyles, and they're far to slow / can't jump high enough to mount a decent counter attach plus they don't have the missles like the top mech has, as if the top position needed anything else to win they are already closer to 4 out of 5 data post's, the sniper rifle, homing laser, and the plasma gun, plus there's hardly any decent snipoing location at the bottom that provides decent cover. when spawning on the bottom of this map i always think of it as a axis & allies type situation, if you work together with your team mates you can easily overpower the top and take them out.
I personally think that the energy weapon should be changed. It has the ablility to take someone out of a VS. It juggles the person hit by it so the person using it can charge it again and guarantee the kill without really aiming. You can not roll away from it. It works from any distance. Already this weapon is being exploited in ranked games. One person can get this weapon and go to an enemy's spawn and single handedly win the game in a very short time. I feel that this weapon will kill the long term appeal of the game. In america the game has only been out for about a month and already I have noticed I never even get the chance to have a machine gun battle with an enemy anymore. Everyone is collecting the homing weapons and snipers and camping the back of the maps getting kill after kill with little to no effort.
So I ask the public to voice their oppinions about this weapon. i haven't gotten to play online games yet, but it doens't really matter worth snot if the person being fired at has real skill. they can ge tout of the way without much trouble. no i'm not tryi to brag or claim i can, cause i haven't gotten to try yet, but i don't think it's a big deal, and in my opinion, it uses too much energy to fire anyway, so that power can be costly.
You can actually survive the energy shot, by rolling into it last minute you can avoid damage. You can also survive rockets, plasma rifle and the infamous sniper rifle(for rifles it is easier to roll into when they are using the rifle for close range since you know where the shot is coming from) by rolling into the shots but require precise timing. I have survived rockets shot directly at me by rolling into it and I got away with the animation where you catch yourself falling from the blast with no health taken. It takes practice but I suggest a training round of you and your friends going and having eachother do the "One, Two, Three...Fire" and roll into it last second and get a feel for timing. I wouldn't suggest trying to pull this move off in a battle if you know you can dodge the shot by getting behind something quick enough, I suggest doing that but if you have no other option might as well try to roll into any of the previously said weapons shots.
it can be done but a way to conter it if you are the shooter fire a fully charged then right after that fire about for little bullets.
jup it all can be don but not when they shoot you out of the bleu