the real strange thing about this game is, as a player you have no idea if you r lagging your movements look completely normal its not like say halo or graw2 where your on screen position jumps around not that mine does on those games. and another thing is how come i can unload clip after clip into someone up close and nothing and yet i can get a head shot across lost canyon no problem i would of thought if the 2 players are out of sync head shots would be impossible?
If you run through a troop of people and they are all shooting and throwing grenades at you like mad and you live you are probably lagging...
Lag is all about movement... the character animation that you see is not always where the computer (xbox) has the person located... if you are getting head shots, more than likely the other person is standing still and the data is already on your xbox, so no matter what your xbox registers the kill even if they start to run off and duck... then your xbox will tell their xbox that they have been shot. I hate when the happens, because if a lager shoots you in the head you can run around for another few seconds before you get the data and then it tells you that so & so killed you even if you are hidden where no-one could possibly have sniped you.
Grrrr... gets mad and throws another controller at the wall, hollers and kicks the dog.... calls anger managment hotline. :o