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Lost Planet Weapons Shotgun Flawed - Choice of the Lagger
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Switch to Forum Live View Shotgun Flawed - Choice of the Lagger
13 years ago  ::  Aug 22, 2007 - 5:38PM #11
Posts: 233

SuperJusfighta2 wrote:

Oh, another discussion about laggers.  Even though we are all 99 or high level, we should be used to it, but still there is something just totally wrong about getting killed by someone's connection and not by his skill.  Then he goes on to take out half your team because of his connection. Sucks yes?

Yes, it's the more infuriating thing about this game. 

Gets mad, throws the controller at the wall.... :mad:

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13 years ago  ::  Aug 22, 2007 - 5:44PM #12
Posts: 920

JimHarkins wrote:

Yes, it's the more infuriating thing about this game. 

Gets mad, throws the controller at the wall.... :mad:

I hear ya Jim.. ive ALMOST thrown my controller numerous times.. but then I remember how much the **** things cost... threw my headset instead.. they break anyways.

PSN : Fabrikator

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13 years ago  ::  Aug 22, 2007 - 6:20PM #13
Posts: 287
I think more than likely the patch is just for players who get that match canceled thing.
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 22, 2007 - 10:44PM #14
Posts: 43
I keep a pillow beside me.  When sh|t happens I throw my controller at my pillow and catch it when it bounces up.  It's theraputic for me.
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 23, 2007 - 8:48AM #15
Posts: 996
i believe i have thoguht up a solution for the shotgun issue.....take away the buckshot and make it a slug. 2 kill slug like the rifle but close range. i can pretty much guarntee you that the LAG beast using the shotty to their advantage will be found out right away when they are always on the bottom cause they have no skill just lag.
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 23, 2007 - 10:56AM #16
Posts: 249
Ok, I totally agree that all laggers like anything but a machinegun, but not all shotgun lovers are laggers. I know a lot of people are going to argue about this but here we go. The game IMO should be change in one of two ways.

(1) Make it so the shotgun does not knock you down. You must kill someone standing. I have noticed that most shotgun users get 80% of there kills with grenades. Whats wrong with nades? NOTHING, but when your goal is to just knock some one down and stand over them patiently timing the grenade. Thats lame IMO. But I do it also, I just wish it didn't have to be that way. Its boring and lacks skill.

(2) Make it so you can time a roll as you land from a fall. This will make the other person work for the kill. Or another option would be that the person on the ground has to press "A" to stand up this way the timing is changed and cant be exploited.

I liked the knock down until now.(There is more lag now than when the game launched) It is to hard to fix all lag without servers so I say this will balance things a little. This game is all about balance and IMO this is the one thing that you can't balance with lag so change it. Also another thing that would help is an option to control whats on the map. No more shogun matches with snipers camping their spawn. I want a real shotgun match, not this "I like shotguns because if I get the sniper or rockets I have an advantage". Yeah a rocket or sniper is still more powerful than a machinegun but if i have a machinegun I can sometimes win against a sniper or rockets by getting head shots even from pretty far away. Now with a shotgun all I can do is run and hide until I find a better weapon. But this goes for all starting weapons, I want to be able to control whats on the map VS, Weapons, Ect. No more VS whores in sniper matches no more snipers in shotgun matches. I don't want it removed completely, I just want the option.
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 23, 2007 - 1:30PM #17
Posts: 28
you people do not listern! as iv said people say i lag ,and i can say 100% its just as hard to kill as be killed if anything the only weapon that works is the sniper rifle head shot combo you have no advantages what so ever
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 23, 2007 - 1:51PM #18
Posts: 233

kawiipops wrote:

you people do not listern! as iv said people say i lag ,and i can say 100% its just as hard to kill as be killed if anything the only weapon that works is the sniper rifle head shot combo you have no advantages what so ever

There are different types (degreese) of lag... your's is so bad that i messes you up too...

Did you read read fabrikators original post where he spoke of the difference between upload speed vs download speed?  Usualy a laggy person can get your information faster than he send his to you.  If it's only a quarter of a second lag difference then that is all it takes to give them a tremendous advantage.

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13 years ago  ::  Aug 23, 2007 - 1:55PM #19
Posts: 233
Could it be that it's not so much that the lag is getting worse... although it is bad, but could it be that peoples skill levels are also increasing?  The people who still play this game have either just bought it and know nothing, or they have had it for a long time and played it enough to get decent at the game..., even the lagers

I would like to believe it's lag because I die more now than I used to...

Just something else to consider.
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13 years ago  ::  Aug 23, 2007 - 2:18PM #20
Posts: 28
the real strange thing about this game is, as a player you have no idea if you r lagging your movements look completely normal its not like say halo or graw2 where your on screen position jumps around not that mine does on those games. and another thing is how come i can unload clip after clip into someone up close and nothing and yet i can get a head shot across lost canyon no problem i would of thought if the 2 players are out of sync head shots would be impossible?
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