I decided to post this here on the Capcom forum to see what type of response I recieve. While im sure there will be many who will be stirred up from this.. I know for a fact there are others who will agree.
Shotgun IMO is the prefered weapon of the lagger....possibly due in part by the coding of the game and from subpar internet connections weather intentional (lag switch, Torrent running, bandwidth eating programs) or due to crappy ISP service.
Some may say "I cant be lagging, Im running 10meg down".... Yea maybe so, but how much is your upload ?!.. because thats where it counts. Some ISPs give you 10+meg down, but may limit your Upload rates to only 256k.
From what I can deduct from playing "**** around sessions" It seems as if not every exact movement is sent to other players.. Case in point : spinning in a small circle. while it may look perfect on your screen.. ALL other players will see it as your character moving back & forth quickly. Now weather this just lost Packet data (see:
Packet ), or it was intentional on the developers part for gameplay reasons.. obviously quick movements do not translate perfectly.
NOW... add in a lagged connection, or a bad wireless connection. Packets uploading (your character actions) are being delayed or lost, these actions will not be seen by the other players.
Im sure many of you have snuck up on someone and blasted them with a shotty up close, and nnothing happend.. i mean, no knock down (even tho it should always be a instant kill at that range).. no death.. they just walk around like nothing happend... whats worse?.. when they have a shotgun too, and they 1 shot kill you... Talk about Frustrating.
My whole complaint with the shotgun in this game, is very similar to the "host advantage /w a shotgun" on Gears of War... only its not as apparent, and it can essentially apply to anyone with a ****ty upload.
MAPS & Lag.... I have heard many arguements on this issue.. some say PF, TG, Dilap, can be lag fests.. and I think there is some truth to this...
I believe the reason lies in the complexity of the map structure.. large maps like canyon, or Frozen, or Island.. are BIG in space, but there is a whole lot of nothing in that space... that means less rendering, that means less information.
Maps like Dilapidation known for its frametrate drop when rockets or the VS is jumping around, Radar,, TF.. have many walls, duct work, fire effects, etc etc. Im not 100% on this, but there is a possibility that this may have an effect on transfering information as well... Slowdown is even more apparent in rocket launcher matches.. this is prob due to the greater effects needed for a a propelled rocket (trailling effects, Fire effects, explosion).. stuff all that information in a small space, and you get my picture.
Now you may understand the reason that laggy shotun users love smaller maps.. the chances of lagging are greater, and the small areas force close quarter battles. The odds are favorable.
With all this said.. a lagger with a machine gun, or any other weapon is still a lagger.. but the odds are a bit more fair,.. maybe the first couple of rounds may not register on your lagging opponent.. but they definatly arnt getting in ONE cheap shot on you. A skilled machine gun user will have better chances outgunnin a lagger with little skill.
Sadly, although Im HOPING this ever delayed patch will fix this problem, along with other lag issues.... I dont think it will completely fix it.. as the game is still played peer to peer, rather than on a Dedicated server. At the very least I hope it addresses people who lag purposly.
Now im no expert.. this is all based on deductive reasoning and a little bit of technical knowledge... but I know I aint the only one whos noticed this.
If anyone can confirm my theory behind the cause of this problem, please feel free to add to the discussion.
EDIT: please remember the purpose of this thread is to address the issue of the shotgun, and exploiting it. I DO realize not EVERY shotgun user is a LAGGER, but I would like peoples opinions (respectfully) on the matter, and possibly raise capcoms awareness for future LP games they may have planned.