ive gotten them after i win or lose a match, and once i get them they last a couple times of me going back to the main lobby screen whether i play anything or not
Well, I give up trying to figure them out... I saw them (three craft) after four post-grab games in a row last night. First one my team won, I was #1. Second Lost-#4, Third Won-#1, Fourth Lost-#7. I didn't see anything standing out in my online-stats as I signed off. I DIDN'T see them on my 400th head-shot last week...
;) No, I haven't seen the guy in the window flip me off either...but he did moon me I think. :eek:
I saw the first UFO when I reached 50 medals online. It staid until I got a new medal. So maybe at a hundred you get two UFO's....
So I got this ufo once about 3 weeks ago and was really confused! And since then it never appeared again! But as I see all of your posts, I´m not crazy! ;-)
so nobody knows what these crazy little UFO's are for? :D surely someone from Capcom can clear this up?? it's driving people batty! :)
Ive got about 175 team elimination wins, when I get 200 I will let you guys know if I see 4 :o
I'm pretty sure it goes by the the aount of wins and coming in 1st place, first off the planet goes from clody to clear then you get a ufo then 2 then 3 then you get shooting stars and i think it's followed by a comet
I recenetly passed 150 wins and also had the 3 UFOs, so it's probably:
1 UFO @ 50 Wins 2 UFOs @ 100 Wins 3 UFOs @150 Wins
I don't think I saw any UFOs on my 150th win. Strange.
Yup, I just got my 150th Team elimination medal and saw three UFO's. I also recorded it because they don't go away until you recieve another medal. I also agree that the comets and shooting stars appear after clearing the planet, which is done by doing really well. :)