it's earth? i don't think it's earth. i think it's E.D.N. III after terraforming... It's earth after many years of continental drift, you can see europe is pretty much intact but the west coast of usa is gone, africa is moving closer to the usa, the east looks like a mess lol
It's earth after many years of continental drift, you can see europe is pretty much intact but the west coast of usa is gone, africa is moving closer to the usa, the east looks like a mess lol From what I've read in the manuals, the planet isn't Earth, it's EDN III
i got the space ship today after getting 10 chain kills
I've gotten this twice and the 2nd time there were 2 space ships.
*conspiracy theory* Well, they seem to show up after a player has shown exceptional skill. The more skill, the more UFOs. So, we're being watched. As long as we're not a threat, they leave us alone. But once we start to impose past our limits... they begin to close the gap... they're out there, man.... watchin us, man... *end conspiracy theory*
From what I've read in the manuals, the planet isn't Earth, it's EDN III I am of course talking about the planet on the multiplayer screen not the planet the game is based on...
Yeah, I just came on to see if anyone else'd seen this.
It's happened to me three times now. The first time one UFO, second time two UFOs, and the third time three UFOs.
So nobody knows anything about 'em? Just a cute little addition to the online battle screen eh?
Children should be seen and not heard.
Xbox LIVE GamerTag: Tangaz
Got 1 UFO today. And actually the animation would replay everytime I loaded up the lobby screen.
It's earth after many years of continental drift, you can see europe is pretty much intact but the west coast of usa is gone, africa is moving closer to the usa, the east looks like a mess lol Iam glad to see someones educated. Does anyone have a capture card to record this stuff? Or maybe a good camera.
Kinda off the topic here, but I found out that if you push the left trigger(or whatever your grenade botton is, havent tested) and the right trigger(or maybe fire botton) during a loading screen, the kind with the words "NOW LOADING" down at the bottom-right corner of the screen, it shoots out the spinning thing as a grenade and thermal energy out of the letters.
I've gotten this twice, 2 on the second time. I was thinking it might be 1 for every "online century" as the achievement calls it. Basically every time you play 100 games it puts up another UFO.
In case anyone out there is looking for this and afraid they are not seeing it, don't worry. It's VERY obvious when it happens. the ships are like 1/4 the size of the planet.
I had also noticed the planet changing weather patterns. I'll have to pay attention to see how it changes with winning or losing. A very interesting little touch on capcoms part, i'd say.