Hey guys.
Sorry I don't have much time to introduce myself, but something strange happened to me, and I'm wondering if you guys can help.
As i proceeded to log onto the online portion of Lost Planet, i noticed something. A tiny UFO was flying around the planet very quickly, just for a little over 6 or 7 seconds. It then disappeared. Is this some kind of Easter Egg?
yeah thats happened to a me and a few other people I know also
yeah thats happened to a me and a few other people I know also im gonna ask brian about it. maybe he knows.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
i haven't noticed it because there is always a bunch of clouds on the planet, but my friend told me that the continents make up a person's face on one side. on the other side of the planet, he said it looks like something eating something. weird.
i haven't noticed it because there is always a bunch of clouds on the planet, but my friend told me that the continents make up a person's face on one side. on the other side of the planet, he said it looks like something eating something. weird. Maybe it's a zombie eating something.
Anyway, I've seen it too a couple of days ago. It's cooll and funny but I'd like to know the point of it.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
The planet is earth
The earth changes according to if you do well or bad online...you win the skies clear you do bad lots of storm clouds appear.
i saw the UFO also. When i finished a ranked match. nothing special happened after the match, no achievements, I didn’t level up, no online century of any kind, noting. There was noting special about the match except my team won.
i guess the devs were bored one day.
The planet is earth
The earth changes according to if you do well or bad online...you win the skies clear you do bad lots of storm clouds appear. really? Ill have to pay more attention to that
The planet is earth
The earth changes according to if you do well or bad online...you win the skies clear you do bad lots of storm clouds appear. it's earth? i don't think it's earth. i think it's E.D.N. III after terraforming...
Who cares what planet it is, I want to know what the UFO means.