I was told by my Girlfriend when i woke up this morning is was playing with some of the guys from BIONIC (gamebattles team) she told me that is a Sliver/White top with a cape. Im gonna see if i can find a code for it.
A quick Heads up that the DLC Monster Hunter Armour Skin is available for FREE to those of you with access to Hong Kong or Japanese accounts.
Would already be cool if we girls would have more to customize <.<
This, even all the bonus skins have been male, a code for some cool female items would be awesome!
Fully scroll through them and you'll see that they all come with female versions. My femme fatales character is wearing a pink female tee right now.
PSN: callmeJackz Steam: callmeJackz http://www.youtube.com/callmejackz
I was told by my Girlfriend when i woke up this morning is was playing with some of the guys from BIONIC (gamebattles team) she told me that is a Sliver/White top with a cape. Im gonna see if i can find a code for it.
Everything is better with a cape.
A quick Heads up that the DLC Monster Hunter Armour Skin is available for FREE to those of you with access to Hong Kong or Japanese accounts.
Or they can wait about 3 days...
[XBL: Staglord / PSN: Echo_Se7en] [MH Tri: Shichi / 8PR5XZ]
Another forum member mentioned something about a yellow shirt: 96725729
T-Shirt 1 Red Weekly Famitsu = 73154986 T-shirt 2 360= 94372143 (Xbox 360 Only) T-Shirt 3 Midnight Live 360 = 69088873 (Xbox 360 Only) T-shirt 4 = T-shirt 5 yellow= 96725729 T-shirt 6 = T-shirt 7 = T-shirt 8 = T-Shirt 9 Weekly Playboy = 34297758 T-Shirt 10 Blue Famitsu.com = 88020223 T-Shirt 11 4gamer.net = 25060016
T-Shirt 1 Red Weekly Famitsu = 73154986 T-shirt 2 360= 94372143 (Xbox 360 Only) T-Shirt 3 Midnight Live 360 = 69088873 (Xbox 360 Only) T-shirt 4 = T-shirt 5 yellow= 96725729 T-shirt 6 = T-shirt 7 = T-shirt 8 = T-Shirt 9 Weekly Playboy = 34297758 T-Shirt 10 Blue Famitsu.com = 88020223 T-Shirt 11 4gamer.net = 25060016
Or is the T-Shirt 2(ps3) ######## / (xbox360) 94372143 Why hasnt anyone found anything PS3 only!! *begs snow* please just one for use ps3ers
A quick Heads up that the DLC Monster Hunter Armour Skin is available for FREE to those of you with access to Hong Kong or Japanese accounts.
Or they can wait about 3 days...
There's a thread where we posted how to get Los armor for those who have a Jpn account. Unfortunately it's male armor and not the female one which was awesome.
A quick Heads up that the DLC Monster Hunter Armour Skin is available for FREE to those of you with access to Hong Kong or Japanese accounts.
Or they can wait about 3 days...
There's a thread where we posted how to get Los armor for those who have a Jpn account. Unfortunately it's male armor and not the female one which was awesome.
I agree, the female version looks a lot cooler (Monster Hunter Tri).