I do hope thou the password system hide more then just shirts =/.
I agree, it would be kind of lame if they were all just mediocre t-shirts. They are still cool, but I'm just saying it can't be ALL there is. I wouldn't mind some new pants/head/tank parts as well. What I'm really hoping for are some new emotes or weapons. That would be so amazing!
We need a separate thread for codes for xbox version and ps3 version because im sick of seeing arguing about system fanboy bs. ^^ THANK YOU ALL FOR POSTING THESE AWESOME SHIRT CODES MADE THE GAME MORE FUN TO ME.
This is war it's your responsibility to survive Dead Rising 2 LV 44 PS3 Biohazard 5 #1 Team Slayer on public assembly Lost Planet 2 Lv 85 Rounder
I wish we could use the extras on Wesker etc. Change those outfits, too, a bit.
Yeah, kinda sucks that you have to use their preset model and can't edit it in any way. =/
We need a separate thread for codes for xbox version and ps3 version because im sick of seeing arguing about system fanboy bs. ^^ THANK YOU ALL FOR POSTING THESE AWESOME SHIRT CODES MADE THE GAME MORE FUN TO ME.
That would not help anything. People would still cross over to each thread and whine.
Ah so this is the Colton ive heard about. Thank you for taking the time to post codes and those who submitted codes as well. :)
I do hope thou the password system hide more then just shirts =/.
Just what I was thinking...
Here's hoping the rest of the codes are found, or even better, leaked >:D
"How quickly do you want this to end?"
We need a separate thread for codes for xbox version and ps3 version because im sick of seeing arguing about system fanboy bs. ^^ THANK YOU ALL FOR POSTING THESE AWESOME SHIRT CODES MADE THE GAME MORE FUN TO ME.
That would not help anything. People would still cross over to each thread and whine.
Agreed, This is sadly what happens when companies do exclusive items it something I frankly getting tired of seeing. Cases a split even if your just trying to even things out =/.
Here's hoping the rest of the codes are found, or even better, leaked >:D
Yes Likes some of the PS3 Codes *wink wink* Snow *wink wink*