over 40 codes? why arent these codes being released to the public on a weekly basis?
He told me they weren't for the public yet. o_O These are the messages he sent me: To All Friends: *** **** is giving away "2 RARE slot machine Codes", only this 4 this week try your luck !! ^_^ Deaco: Whoa! I thought there were only 18?! *** ****: there are much more... Deaco: How many are there??? *** ****: i have 40 codes but they keep doing more..they even have codes 4 personal characters Deaco: Well, can I have a code to validate this? *** ****: validate ?? what my words lol. mh didnt u just said u have 18! Deaco: By validate I mean to just see if the codes are not what I already have.(Something like that, I forgot my exact words.) *** ****: i had to do forbiden things to get them .. they arent for the public yet .i know if i give ya some ull publish them ..lol _ill think about it...
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
So, 40 more codes, but they can't be released yet. I can't help but wonder if someone cracked it on their own, perhaps using a random number generator, if they'd get in trouble over it, or not? People are going to be curious, and try, but it's best to know if one should back off due to it being more trouble than it's worth.
"Americans are an honest people, we expect a fair deal. I know that a lot of other cultures used to think that was naïve and even childish, but it’s one of our most sacred principles." - Max Brooks, World War Z
Hmm I would like to know how he found this codes myself since I have been messing with things I shouldn't also and have come up empty
dunno... it's easy to say 'I got a lot more codes' and then not prove it...
i know right, like the 4 codes i got that i never posted here
I hope one of the codes unlock Yuri! 
PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)
dunno... it's easy to say 'I got a lot more codes' and then not prove it...
i know right, like the 4 codes i got that i never posted here
Oh! You got'em, too? 
Resident Evil Zero Remaster Wesker ModeRE Revelations 2 Raid Mode Umbrella CorpsWesker has never been dead...!!! "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to saturate..."
Update: Deaco: So can I have a code? *** ****: not just yet next month when they are realesed 4 us _people can loose job 4 this info. _but i can do something 4 u _i see ur low on Achivm ... use Superstar ability & play extreme mode to lv up fasterrr ur faction _c u soon
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
i call shenanigans. why on earth would they make 80 (40 male, 40 female) shirts for us to go through its completey inpreactical.