"That's all, folks!" Unless, of course, there are actually 20 shirts.
Still don't have number 4 for the 360.
I'm not saying give up hope, but 4 might be a PS3 exclusive as much as 2 and 3 are exclusive to the 360.
I was thinking exactly the same, but it would suck that we PS3 users only goy 1 exclusive that isnt really that good looking
PS3 did get Rathalos as exclusive, so I guess it balances out a bit. Don't want to start an argument over who has more skins. It's just that the devs must think this balances things. We may never know.
Moderated by
on Jun 13, 2010 - 10:20AM
Why would we be missing a number then? If thats all then why would they not change the numbers around for xbox and ps3?
Why would we be missing a number then? If thats all then why would they not change the numbers around for xbox and ps3?
As I said, we may never know if the devs don't spill the beans. And why did my post get moderated? Now it looks like I said something, which originally was a quote. And it kinda looks like I'm contradicting myself now in that post.
As I said, we may never know if the devs don't spill the beans.
And why did my post get moderated? Now it looks like I said something, which originally was a quote. And it kinda looks like I'm contradicting myself now in that post.
Yeah sorry for the Edit, its nothing to against your post its just right now we seem to be having some Forum code Issues with some quote's
I am not sure if you guys have noticed but some quotes have been added extra space's and lines for no reason. The team is looking in to it and hopefully they sort it out soon.
As I said, we may never know if the devs don't spill the beans.
And why did my post get moderated? Now it looks like I said something, which originally was a quote. And it kinda looks like I'm contradicting myself now in that post.
Yeah sorry for the Edit, its nothing to against your post its just right now we seem to be having some Forum code Issues with some quote's
I am not sure if you guys have noticed but some quotes have been added extra space's and lines for no reason. The team is looking in to it and hopefully they sort it out soon.
Yeah, I also noticed that. Looking back at my post early in that quote chain, though, it looks like something screwed it over.
The part outside of the quotation marks from my post was supposed to be on a different line - Now it's all on one line. I hope these issues get fixed soon, so that I don't have to look at quoted posts in a sort of not-how-they-were-intended sort of way.
As I said, we may never know if the devs don't spill the beans.
And why did my post get moderated? Now it looks like I said something, which originally was a quote. And it kinda looks like I'm contradicting myself now in that post.
Yeah sorry for the Edit, its nothing to against your post its just right now we seem to be having some Forum code Issues with some quote's
I am not sure if you guys have noticed but some quotes have been added extra space's and lines for no reason. The team is looking in to it and hopefully they sort it out soon.
I had been wondering how I manage to hit that enter-key so often without even noticing... 
Resident Evil Zero Remaster Wesker ModeRE Revelations 2 Raid Mode Umbrella CorpsWesker has never been dead...!!! "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to saturate..."
I hope there's some PANTS in that list of codes. Too many shirts already. 
I hope there's some PANTS in that list of codes.
Too many shirts already.
That was the most recent message I sent him! But he went offline--and still is. So all I can do is wait for a response. 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
over 40 codes? why arent these codes being released to the public on a weekly basis?