will some one answer me !!!
So the error where it say the Code is invalid or no longer vaild when the hour rolls by, will i get to use my code or is it usless now?
Dude u don't have to keep posting asking basically the same stuff. The code u got is legit. But we all have to wait for the PS store to update itself before the system will reconize the code. JUST WAIT.
can anyone aswer me i tryed to redem it but it didnt work i came here saw it wasnt working Do i have to get a new code or will the one i have still work
Geez man! Just wait! It's less than an hour away. Try your code then and if it doesn't work, then try to get a new one or talk to a mod. IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL! Everyone has to wait until 5PM PST anyways so if it doesn't work then, then you can start stressin about it. Why worry so much about it now? Do you know how many people tried their codes before 5PM today? Probably EVERYONE because they want to play it as much, if not more than you do. Chill out and wait.
PSN ID: NorcalNiner408PSN ID (LP2 only/clan tag): POISON-PRODIGY Special thanks to TriCEVEN for the sig.
Lol! Hopefully they'll have akrid mounts in this demo :D
i am from the netherlands so i have to wait all night thats su...!!!
The store is updated but the code isn't working. What's going on? I'm using it on a Canadian PSN account and all US codes have worked fine in the past.
yup me too THIS SUCK
PSN ID: GUY_9997 LOST PLANET 2 OVERLORD, & ALL LV99s i know everything about lp2. i predict people's moves, and i get em right. no plasma + injection gun 2 s""t please.
I re-tried the code a few seconds after my post and it worked. It's only 368MB btw. See you guys online ;)
myne still not working im am on a us acound but nothing still