hours, not timezones. in hours it's all the same...
I put the time that Snow said we should wait to try to redeem codes(5:00 pm PST) and converted it to different timezones for people who live in them.
in the end, sniper always wins...
dear god.. you don't understand what i'm saying do you?
He means hours from now. How about in 1 hour and 35 minutes, then you put in your code.
PSN ID: NorcalNiner408PSN ID (LP2 only/clan tag): POISON-PRODIGY Special thanks to TriCEVEN for the sig.
He means hours from now. How about in 1 hour and 35 minutes, then you put in your code.
thank you.
that means sleapy time where i live (yeah, not U.S)
He means hours from now. How about in 1 hour and 35 minutes, then you put in your code.
thank you. that means sleapy time where i live (yeah, not U.S)
No worries bro.
PSN ID: NorcalNiner408PSN ID (LP2 only/clan tag): POISON-PRODIGY Special thanks to TriCEVEN for the sig.
can anyone aswer me i tryed to redem it but it didnt work i came here saw it wasnt working Do i have to get a new code or will the one i have still work
I certainly hope I land one. I'm actually far more excited for this game over the past three days than I ever was previously.
Well heres the earliest people should try there code according to Snow. (I put my time zone and another I saw asked about)
5:00 pm pacific
7:00 pm central
8:00 pm eastern
if you wanna check a different time zone go here
8 pm!!!!!!!!!! nooooooooooooooo!!!
1 hour and 12 minutes left.
in the end, sniper always wins...