please codice for me per xbox 360 o ps3 thanks
i have a code for ps3 and says on playstation store is invalid, why?
It says codes for the ps3 are still available but when i try to get one it just takes me back to the same page with no code. Does someone have a spare ps3 code that can hook me up with... ?
God I can't believeso many people just joined CAPCOM for a stupid code. I joined CAPCOM for their awesome games and then these hordes of people join for a sill code and then yell at them.Really people!?CAPCOM didn't create this mess.The people trying to get the code did.I think those code users who are mad need to shut-up and get over it.It's a freaking beta!How about they move it to December 2010!They are working so hard for us and then this is the respect you give them.You people shouldn't have even gotten a code!
It´s pretty much common sense, i think alot of ppl play capcom games but don´t register at their site (so did i). Then when well some great offer comes along like this one and youre looking forward to the game you wanne play it as soon as possible. Sadly for me the codes arent working (not getting them, need ps3 code) still be happy so many ppl are intressted in this game.
Can anyone pm me a code for the ps3.. the website says they are available but when i click to redeem i just get taken back to the main page...
I highly doubt this is the case, but if anyone has an 360 code in safe keeping I would kindly like one.
My code doesnt seem to work. i got in email last night woke up entered the code now and says code may noy be correct or valid. uhhh help?
Is any one havin a problem whit their ps3 code. I got mine last night and ps3 store isnt taking it.
Is any one havin a problem whit their ps3 code. I got mine last night and ps3 store isnt taking it.
Yes everyone is having the same problem.